Archives for 8 Jun,2016

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Overcoming Writer’s Block on your Blog: Sharing Your Personal Photography Story


How often do you post on your blog? If you are like some photographers, blogging may be your least favorite part of your workflow. In addition to everything else you have to take care of in your business, posting to your blog is another task you have to check off the list (but you may not always have the time or motivation to do so). And what happens when you have writer’s block?

As author Ann Handley mentions in her book Everybody Writes, writer’s block (or as she calls it, “writer’s evasion”) is the reluctance to begin writing. But as a person who has a following of ideal clients, and other photographers in the industry, posting to your blog can help you share your creative thoughts, connect with clients, and provide relevant information to other photographers.

What are some topics you can write about to keep your blog relevant and interesting? Your personal photography story is a great place to start on your blog. If your story is like many others in the industry, you likely had some growing pains in the beginning. But, here you are, posting on your own blog for your business. The journey you took shaped you as a person and a photographer, which makes you more relatable to clients and photographers. Here are a few tips to help you overcome writer’s block on your blog through your personal photography story.

Share How You Got Started

Begin your story by explaining to your readers how you got started in your photography career. Were you a school teacher who took photos on the side, or perhaps you were a stay-at-home parent who loved photography but didn’t have the time? Whatever your story is, share the beginnings on your blog. This will provide readers with an idea of your background, which shapes who you are.


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