How 3 Wedding Photographers Mastered Client Communication
From the moment clients view your website, they have an impression of you. The process continues as they fill out an inquiry form and reach out to you. Every part of client communication from their first point of contact is crucial to whether they book you for their wedding day (and if they refer you!).
In our Secrets to Getting Booked Guide, wedding photographers shared what worked for their photography business to book ideal clients. Today, we are highlighting 3 wedding photographers who mastered client communication to help them book weddings throughout the year.
1. Make Genuine Connections
To ensure they have clear and defined communication with clients, Shane and Lauren Photography make genuine connections with their clients:
“Connect with people in a real and genuine way. We’re referring to your brides and grooms, their friends, the bridal party, family, coordinators, venue staff, the photo booth dude, anyone you come in contact with. If you are yourself and invest the time to get to know them in a genuine way, they will remember that and will want to work with you again. You will be on their mind and they will think of you when someone they know is getting married.” – Shane and Lauren Photography