Archives for 20 Apr,2017

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Pinterest for Wedding Photographers: Are You Properly Utilizing It?

pinterest for wedding photographers

As a wedding photographer, social media is one of the top ways to market your wedding photography business. Here at ShootDotEdit, we know there are various platforms that require your attention. Some platforms, more than others, are often utilized in a greater capacity (like Facebook and Instagram). Other platforms, like Pinterest, are sometimes underutilized (even though there are great benefits in using it).

We love to share valuable information with you about these subjects (in addition to providing wedding photographer editing services), and we like to reach out to industry leaders to gain their insights. Wedding photographer and ShootDotEdit Customer, Melissa Jill, is here to talk more about Pinterest and how it can benefit your business. Read through to decide whether you are properly utilizing it for your business and why you need to start.
melissa jill headshot


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