Archives for 25 Apr,2017

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8 Business Quotes Every Wedding Photographer Needs

Every wedding photographer will have a different roadmap to success. And it’s no secret… in your photography business, success takes a lot of hard work! Here at ShootDotEdit, we specialize in wedding photography post processing, and also know how important it is to focus on what is most valuable to help your business grow.

In our Keys to Absolutely Succeeding Guide, we talk about how the difference between success and failure isn’t always that great. By looking at where other businesses have failed, you can learn where not to put your time and energy. And in contrast, looking at what successful business owners do to succeed can provide a roadmap for what is a profitable use of your time. Together, both perspectives bring a full picture of success.

Today, we have 8 quotes from top leaders to further the conversation about success and to provide you with motivation to continue on the unique path you are on with your wedding photography business.

“Trying to do it all and expecting it all can be done exactly right is a recipe for disappointment. Perfection is the enemy.”
– Sheryl Sandberg


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