Best photography business practices

Best Business Practices For Photographers By Diane Nicole Photography

Being a professional photographer AND managing the day-to-day operations of a successful photography business is not an easy feat! To make this challenge easier for you, we’ve got the best business practices for photographers from none other than ShootDotEdit customer Diane Clifford, the visionary behind Diane Nicole Photography! In this blog, the full-time photographer and mother of two spills her top secrets on how to be a successful business owner. From staying organized to knowing your gear inside and out, Diane’s knowledge and resource for photographers is an absolute game-changer for anyone starting a photography business. So, grab a cup of coffee and a notebook, and get ready to elevate your business game!

5 Best Business Practices For Photographers

1. Start With Organizing Your Business

a wedding couple in their wedding attire sharing a close moment by cliffside
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @dianenicolephoto

Being organized is a non-negotiable skill that photography business owners must develop in order to succeed. It allows you to keep track of client information, schedules, and deadlines, and also makes way for a smooth and stress-free workflow. While keeping track of all the details might seem daunting, being organized is one of the best business practices for photographers that all professionals will recommend. 

As Diane Clifford attests, organization is even more crucial once parenting comes into play. The added responsibility requires a renewed focus on keeping everything running smoothly. Clients will appreciate a photographer who is well-organized and detail-oriented. Taking the time to improve your organizational skills can elevate your business and set you apart from the competition. From scheduling to file keeping, streamlining your photography business workflow and maintaining business order is one of the vital professional business practices that will set you up for a successful photography career.

Suggested Read: ShootDotEdit: Featured Photographer Stories

2. Make The Most Of Your Time With Batch Work

Diane suggests that one of the best business practices for wedding photographers to manage the various tasks that come with being a creative professional and business owner is to adopt the habit of batch working. She shared with us how she uses her childcare days to ‘grind it out’ and complete as much work as possible. By doing so, she is able to focus on her family on their days and dedicate her workdays to her business. By implementing batch working into your own routine, you can also save time and focus on what matters most. As a wedding photographer, you can set aside dedicated time each week to complete similar tasks, such as editing and responding to emails. This will help you increase your efficiency and productivity.

Suggested Read: How I Got The Shot With Diane Nicole Photography

3. Unlock Professional Growth With A Mentor

a couple holding hands while the wedding ring is visible
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @dianenicolephoto

Finding a mentor is one of the best professional photography business practices you can adopt as a wedding photographer. Diane, a seasoned photographer, particularly emphasizes the need for female photographers to have a mentor, someone to guide them and keep them motivated. 

When searching for a mentor, it’s important to look for someone whose style speaks to you. A mentor can guide you, help you avoid mistakes, and keep you motivated. While there are numerous ways to learn things online, having a mentor provides you with the follow-up and follow-through that you need. They’ve gone through the same journey before you and can help you achieve success in the wedding photography business. So if you’re looking to take your wedding photography career to the next level, consider finding a mentor to guide you.

Suggested Read: The Business Of Wedding Photography

4. Master Your Skills With Complete Gear Knowledge

Getting acquainted with your equipment is undoubtedly one of the best business practices for photographers. It’s not just about investing in the latest camera model but rather taking time to read through the manual and familiarize yourself with every function and feature of your wedding photography gear. This advice from seasoned photographer Diane is invaluable and shouldn’t be overlooked. 

The more you understand your equipment, the more confident you’ll be when faced with challenging lighting conditions or unexpected events. So, take the time to get to know your gear and embrace all the incredible ways it can help you capture stunning images that will impress your clients.

5. Increase Productivity With Outsourcing

a newlywed couple kissing under the wedding veil
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @dianenicolephoto

Managing both the creative and business end means you already have a lot on your plate. From consultations and shooting to post-production and marketing, there’s always something that demands your attention. But outsourcing can simplify your workflow and make your life so much easier. 

By handing off tasks, such as bookkeeping or album design or photo editing, you can focus on what you do best: Capturing beautiful moments. Outsourcing can also help with time management and turnaround times. Diane, for example, shares about outsourcing her post-production process and how it has allowed her to get final photos to her couples in a fraction of the time it would take her to do it all herself. So, take a cue from Diane and consider outsourcing to decrease your workload. Your business (and mind and body) will thank you!

Further Read: Fast Five Series: Tips For Wedding Photographers

a couple running on the beach holding hands
Image Credit: ShootDotEdit Customer @dianenicolephoto

Diane, a seasoned pro in the wedding photography industry, not only shares her game-changing photography best practices, but she also swears by them! Becoming a successful wedding photographer requires more than just having an eye for great shots. The secret to thriving in this industry lies within your business practices. Whether it’s batch working, finding a mentor, or knowing your photography gear, these steps will help increase efficiency and productivity while allowing you to focus on what really matters: Connecting with your clients and delivering memories for a lifetime.

One of Diane’s tips on best business practices for photographers is outsourcing photo-editing. Thanks to services like ShootDotEdit, Diane can speed up her post-production process and deliver final photos to her clients faster than ever before! Plus, she rests easy knowing that her photos are in good hands. As she says, “It’s worth every penny.” So, why let post-production slow you down? Follow Diane’s lead and get back to doing what you love most! To learn more about Diane Nicole Photography, check out her website, Facebook page, Pinterest, or Instagram.

Do you have too much post-production work to handle? ShootDotEdit can assist you with professional photo editing services to achieve your wedding photography goals, allowing you more time to concentrate on your craft. Check out our pricing plans to see how we can help grow your business.

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