How to Market to Millennials

Marketing To Millennials: Dos and Don’ts For Wedding Photographers

Marketing To Millennials: Dos and Don'ts For Wedding Photographers

In pop culture, the millennials have been held responsible for the death of A LOT of things. Golf, soap bars, relationships, the 9-5 workday – you name it, and according to someone somewhere, millennials probably killed it. And when it comes to wedding photography, some wedding photographers sometimes develop this mindset that it’s probably the millennials that are to be blamed for their struggles or for their low sales. But the reality is that it’s most likely the wedding photographer who forgot to evolve with time and changing preferences and values. It’s true; catering to millennials might mean that you might have to make some tweaks and modifications in your marketing strategies and workflow. But can you imagine the doors you’d open once you make your business appealing to a millennial? So if you are in that phase of your career where you are thinking – “Nobody’s booking me. Nobody’s buying albums. And it’s all because of the millennials” – in this blog, we offer some marketing to millennials tips that could help you add them to your clientele. 

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