remind clients to pay

How To Send Payment Reminder To Your Clients Via Emails

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As a business owner, chasing your clients for payments could be one of the trickiest parts of your work. And we sincerely hope that you don’t have to walk down that lane. However, sometimes, when things don’t go as planned, following up with your clients for payments becomes inevitable. Many businesses give a fair amount of time to their clients to pay the outstanding bills, and sometimes this could, in fact, become the reason behind clients pushing the invoice to the side. Now, you don’t want to keep waiting for your payment or come to a point where you have to hand it over to a collections lawyer or agency. Sending a payment reminder to your clients could prevent you from finding yourself in such a scenario. You can send a reminder to your clients via text message, a phone call, or even snail mail, but a reminder email reaches your client instantly and can have all the bills attached. So, when should you send a payment reminder email? And how do you put across your point firmly but politely? Read on to find out!

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