
The Best Decision You Could Ever Make for Your Photography Business

FEATURING GARRETT DELPH, CEO and CoFounder of ShootDotEdit

photography business decision

Maybe it was just a few years ago that you realized your calling in wedding photography. Or maybe you’ve been in it longer than that. You decided to make your passion your business and grow with it both personally and professionally.

You’ve spent years making a place for yourself in the wedding photography industry and now you’re flooded with work from all corners. You’re happy, but also dealing with the chaos of running a business.

And we get it! Running a business can be super difficult — and making a photography business decisions like handling the shoots, post-production, client communications, networking, branding, advertising, logistics, and whatnot, can be overwhelming! At the end of the day, you’re just trying to keep your head above water…

If this all sounds familiar, DON’T PANIC! You’re not alone.

20 years ago, this was the life of Garrett Delph, the co-founder and CEO of ShootDotEdit.

He was the owner of a thriving wedding photography business — but it was a struggle. After years of stress and anguish, Garrett finally found his solution…

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Working With Past Clients to Rebrand Your Photography Business

Image of a sleeping baby wrapped with a grey blanket - Featuring Katie Van Buren rebranding shift from weddings to portraits

Featuring Katie Van Buren

When Katie Van Buren of Van Buren Photography started her career as a wedding photographer 20 years ago, she was younger than most of the brides she photographed.

“I connected with them at the time because of where I was in my own life and my business reflected that.” 

For years, Katie says her business was made up of 85% weddings and 15% portraits, but things changed as Katie’s clients started their own families. “Eventually, I was getting more portrait work than wedding shoots.” I was in the middle of asking Katie how she so seamlessly turned (rebranded) her wedding clients into portrait clients when she started laughing. She blurted out, “Oh how funny!” Then went on to explain that while we were talking she got an email from a recent wedding client. “It says, ‘Hope you’re doing well! We just had a baby and wanted to get some pictures done.’” The answer to my question was all too clear.

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