Wedding Day Photography Timeline

How to Create Your Ultimate Wedding Photography Timeline

Infographic stating How to Create Your Ultimate Wedding Photography Timeline

Creating a wedding photography timeline is perhaps the most impactful preliminary work you can do ahead of the wedding day. A well-crafted timeline can help you set realistic goals, give you and your couples a heads-up if more time is needed to accomplish those goals, and also allow you to breathe more easily on the wedding day knowing you have everything covered. If you struggle with time management, or simply need a refresher on the best way to create a wedding photography timeline, this blog will help you stay on schedule and stress-free when you shoot your next wedding!

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Wedding Day Timeline Templates for Photographers

8 free wedding day timeline templates

Let’s face it… the wedding day shoot is stressful for both you and your wedding clients. With so many moving parts and people to coordinate with, there are plenty of opportunities for the day to fall behind. When the day falls behind, you often have to shoot important moments quickly. This causes your stress levels to increase (as well as your clients’). How can you simplify and streamline the process before the shoot to help minimize time-crunches and create a stress-free wedding day for you and your clients?

A wedding photography checklist will help you ensure everyone is on the same page and keep the day moving on time and on schedule. As a photo editing service online, we believe in a fast and streamlined workflow for each part of the client process. That is why we partnered with 5 wedding pros to bring you their personal recommendations for times to use for success.

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