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5 Tips for Stunning Urban Photography

stunning urban photography

Before the wedding day, the bride and groom spend months picking out the perfect location for their ceremony, reception, and couple portraits. In some situations, they decide to take their portraits in an outdoor setting. Whether it is in the middle of a busy East Coast city street, a scenic park in Southern California, or outside of a historical landmark in a southern town, there are many chances for you to capture stunning wedding images for your couple. Since an outdoor setting can be unpredictable, and there are many ways you can shoot your couple, we’ve put together five simple tips for shooting stunning urban photography.

1. Include Different Architectural Styles and Locations

One of the benefits of shooting in an outdoor location is you can incorporate gorgeous scenery, landmarks, and skylines. Take advantage of the various materials and colors of the structures when shooting your couple.


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Quick Fixes to Improve your Business


As a wedding photographer, you are consistently busy with marketing to ideal clients, booking weddings, and completing your day-to-day tasks. When you are overwhelmed with constant due dates, it can be difficult to see yourself reaching your long-term goals. Since your business relies on regular updates, it is important for you to schedule in time to work on certain areas that will help you grow. That’s why we’ve put together a list of quick fixes you can use to improve your business. These are simple tips you can start implementing today.

Increase Brand Awareness

In your photography business, it is important to stay top of mind with potential clients who are in the process of looking for a photographer. There are many channels you can use to increase your brand awareness, including using your blog and social media. Though you may be busy at many points during the year, blogging is an essential part of your business. When you receive your images back from a photo editing company, share them on your blog. Once the images are on your blog, post messages on each social media platform you use. Whether you only use Twitter and Facebook, or you include Pinterest and Instagram into the mix, you should reach out to your clients through these networks. Make sure to tag your clients, and other vendors involved, so the post gets shared on various pages. The larger your reach is, the more likely it is you will share your content with ideal clients.


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6 Strategies for Gorgeous First Look Imagery

6 strategies to gorgeous first look imagery

Before the wedding day, the bride and groom spend months planning and making decisions to ensure everything is as they envisioned. Now that the wedding is finally here, you have the ability to capture some of the most crucial parts of the day. From getting ready, to the ceremony, to the reception, you document the details that matter.

In addition to photographing these important moments, you can also include a first look with the bride and groom. This moment is just for them, with no distractions or interruptions. During this time, you have another unique opportunity to capture the most genuine expressions and reactions from your couple. Here are 6 ways for you to shoot gorgeous first look imagery during your next wedding shoot.


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How to Create Raving Fans from Current Customers


As a wedding photography business owner, you spend months working side-by-side with your clients and providing them with great service leading up to the wedding day. Once wedding is over, your work is still not over! In fact, when it comes to providing your couples with a great experience and turning them into raving fans of your business, the work is just beginning.

By ensuring that your current customers are delighted and thrilled by you and your services, you increase the chances that they will continuously rave about you to their friends and family. This can lead to referrals and more bookings for your business. Here’s how to create raving fans from current customers.

Surpass Expectations

Leading up to the wedding day, you know the importance of responding quickly to emails and constantly helping your couples out whenever possible. After the wedding, it is crucial that you keep that same mindset and work ethic with your clients.

When it comes to delivering their images to them, continuously keep them updated on the status of their photos. More importantly, under-promise and over-deliver on your turnaround time! A common question for clients to ask is, “How long does it take for you to deliver the images to us?” When this is asked, be sure to give a realistic deadline, and then surpass it. An easy way for you to accomplish this is to send your images to a photo editing company, such as ShootDotEdit. [···]

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Who’s Doing it Right on Pinterest


One of the best parts of being a wedding photographer is having the ability to capture beautiful and unique moments. Once you shoot the wedding and have your images edited by a photo editing company, what steps to do you take to share your work? With 72.8 million users and counting, Pinterest is becoming one of the top social media marketing platforms for wedding photographers to use.

Denver, Colorado photography duo Jason and Gina Grubb use Pinterest to share their wedding images to reach clients that are part of their target market. Not only does their Pinterest business page have 1.5K followers (and growing!), Jason and Gina have a strategic approach on how they use their content to attract ideal clients. Here are a few tips to help you create a Pinterest page that reflects your brand and attracts the clients you want to work with.


Expand Your Reach

As a wedding photographer, it is important for you to get in front of as many potential clients as possible with your images. According to Jason, 81% of all Pinterest users are women who are likely looking at boards while planning their wedding. When a user reaches one of your images, they get to discover who you are as a photographer. Jason and Gina understand that the more images they place on Pinterest, the larger audience they will reach. [···]

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Facebook for the Wedding Photographer Guide


In the competitive wedding photography business, it is necessary for you to stand out against the other competitors. One of the best parts about being a photographer is that you have an abundance of free content at your fingertips – your images! With those images, you can share your content with thousands of followers on Facebook. Facebook is a perfect tool for you to use to attract new clients… if you know how to use it. Facebook allows you to create a unique brand message, and then share that to your target audience.

However, using Facebook can be challenging – it can be difficult to know whether you are getting the most value out of using the social platform. How can you create a social media strategy in Facebook that will benefit you and help grow your business? We have the perfect guide to help you get the best out of your efforts: Facebook for the Wedding Photographer Guide!


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Posing Deep Dive: Small Details can Make Big Differences


During the wedding day shoot, it is necessary for you as a photographer to know how to pose your couples in positions that will showcase them in the best possible way. In our Posing Critique Webinar with Roberto Valenzuela, he shared how to analyze the intricate details of every pose.

Here at ShootDotEdit, we love to provide you with relevant content that can help you improve your business and attract more of the clients you love. Today, we’re continuing our educational Posing Deep Dive series with Roberto. If you have missed the first 4 installments of the series, you can access them here:

#1: Why Body Language Matters

#2: Contrasting Colors can Make or Break Images

#3: Can Lighting Dictate the Pose you use?

#4: The Key to Successful Posing

This week, Roberto shares how paying attention to the small details can make big differences in the overall look and feel of your images.


Today’s image was submitted by Ana Encinas, a Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer.

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4 Tips for Shooting Portraits during Mid-day

When it comes to lighting, there are several situations and locations that can be challenging to know how to properly light. In our complimentary guide to lighting for wedding photography, we share 26 key tips from Roberto Valenzuela to help you identify and use light during your shoots. 

As a wedding photographer, you do not always have a choice as to when the photos are taken. While it may be ideal to shoot during golden hour or on overcast days, what do you do when you must conquer the mid-day lighting? 


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Top 5 Tips to Skyrocket Your Bookings


As a wedding photographer, it’s necessary to book more clients each year to grow your business. But have you ever wondered how to book the weddings that you want with the current wedding images that you have?

In our Skyrocket your Bookings with just your Images Webinar, wedding photographers Amy and Jordan Demos discussed how to utilize the images you already have to grow your business. With your own images, you can book more clients and increase your overall profit. Together they discussed how to use compelling images to aid you in creating dynamic content for your website and blog. They also shared effective photography strategies to enhance the imagery within your galleries. Here are the top 5 tips to skyrocket your bookings.

1. Shoot Your Photos Like You’re “At the World Series”

Having the right mindset is an important factor when it comes to increasing your client bookings. During every wedding, always give your photos your best, creative effort. Regardless of the venue or your client’s budget, shoot your photos as if you were you were hired to shoot for the World Series. This will bring you closer to your goals, and over time, will increase your profit and bookings. When Amy and Jordan flipped their mentality to think like this, it was very powerful for them. When you shoot every wedding as if you are shooting for your ideal client, you will begin to attract more of your target market to your wedding photography business.  [···]

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