
Quick Fixes to Improve your Business


As a wedding photographer, you are consistently busy with marketing to ideal clients, booking weddings, and completing your day-to-day tasks. When you are overwhelmed with constant due dates, it can be difficult to see yourself reaching your long-term goals. Since your business relies on regular updates, it is important for you to schedule in time to work on certain areas that will help you grow. That’s why we’ve put together a list of quick fixes you can use to improve your business. These are simple tips you can start implementing today.

Increase Brand Awareness

In your photography business, it is important to stay top of mind with potential clients who are in the process of looking for a photographer. There are many channels you can use to increase your brand awareness, including using your blog and social media. Though you may be busy at many points during the year, blogging is an essential part of your business. When you receive your images back from a photo editing company, share them on your blog. Once the images are on your blog, post messages on each social media platform you use. Whether you only use Twitter and Facebook, or you include Pinterest and Instagram into the mix, you should reach out to your clients through these networks. Make sure to tag your clients, and other vendors involved, so the post gets shared on various pages. The larger your reach is, the more likely it is you will share your content with ideal clients.

Related: Does your social media strategy capture the attention of ideal clients?

Create Relationships with Vendors

While you are shooting the wedding day, there are other local vendors who are assisting with essential tasks for the bride and groom. As you are looking for new clients, vendors can be the key to consistent referrals. Creating trusting relationships with vendors is something you can do as you shoot the wedding day. When you are waiting for the ceremony to start, snap a few photos of the floral arrangements. This can be a great detail shot to include in the wedding album, and can also be shared with the florist to use for their advertising.

Additional ways for you to connect with vendors is to tag them in photos you share on your website, blog, and social media. This is beneficial for the vendor since it is promoting what they do to brides who follow your page. It can also help you and your business because once the vendor shares the image, or your social media posts, your reach will expand. Instead of sharing your work with only your followers on social media, you will also be in front of each of the vendor’s followers.

Add “Wow” Images to Your Website and Blog

After the wedding shoot is over, what is one of the first things you do when the images are ready? You share them on your website and blog, and promote your sites on social media. How can you improve your business through sharing images? Sharing images which are the best of the wedding shoot can help you grab the attention of your ideal clients. Featuring the “Wow” images on your website and blog can make your brand increase in value and attract the clients you want to work with. Remember to only include images on your website and blog that enhance the story of the wedding day. Your clients will be thrilled to have their wedding featured, and potential clients will get an idea of what their images will look like if they book you.

Optimize your Workflow

After long hours shooting weddings and working to share images with clients as soon as possible, how do you take care of the additional tasks you have (or even the overdue ones)? At times, it can seem impossible to finish every single task you have, even if you spent every waking minute working. As a business owner, it is important to take a step back and decide how you can optimize every process you have in place. Start by making a list that breaks down every task currently on your plate, and then decide what tasks you have to work on, and what tasks you can outsource or assign to someone else. Once you delegate the work to the appropriate party, you can spend more time booking weddings and increasing your profit.

Related: How does Jared Platt speed up his workflow?

Connect with Clients

As a business owner and a photographer, one of the most important things for you to focus on is your clients’ happiness. They are the main reason you have a business, and will help determine whether you continue to succeed or not. The experience begins when the potential client reaches your website or blog, and continues when they meet face-to-face with you for the first time. The interactions you have with them, as well as the way you approach in-person sales, will shape whether they will book you. Once you book the wedding, reach out to your clients and offer your assistance. Since you are an expert in the field of weddings, share best practices and be available for questions. The happier your clients are, the more money they will spend. The more money your clients spend on your products and services, the better your business will do.

Become an Expert at Shooting

Whether you shoot weddings regularly, or if you only shoot once in a while, there are always new ways for you to improve your skills. The more practice you have, the better the chances are you can start booking higher-end weddings. Becoming an expert at what you do can help you stand out against other photographers who have a similar shooting style. A great way to practice new shooting techniques is to reach out to your photographer Facebook community group to see if any other photographers want to practice with you. This is a great way to make new friends in the industry, who can later refer weddings to you if they are already booked.

Although there are many ways to improve your business throughout the year, starting with these quick fixes will help you get closer to your goals. Discover additional ways to speed up your business with our Guide, 27 Simple Hacks to Transform your Wedding Photography Business!


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