Fast 5

Fast 5: Our Favorite Tips for Editing in Adobe Lightroom

Editing in Adobe Lightroom

Editing in Adobe Lightroom can be a fickle beast… but a powerful one.  If you’re serious about editing your wedding photos, chances are you’re going to need to wrap your head around Lightroom at one point or another.  So we’ve decided to put together five quick tips to get you started on your photo editing journey in Lightroom.

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Fast 5: Unique Couples Photography at Any Location

Unique Couples Photography at Any Location

ShootDotEdit’s Fast Five — 5 useful quick tips you can apply to your photography business right now!

As a wedding photographer, you’ve probably Googled ‘best photo location near me’ many times when looking for unique backgrounds for your couples. It can be a challenge — finding the perfect spot. It’s also a challenge finding the perfect spots you haven’t already used for other clients…

You don’t want to fill your portfolio with different couples all in the same poses at the same locations. Plus, your clients often want shots that are unique to them and their love. So how do you find those new and amazing photo locations (or use familiar spots in new and exciting ways)?

Find out in this week’s Fast 5! 

Let’s get to it!

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Fast 5: Capture the Perfect Wedding Detail Shots

ShootDotEdit’s Fast Five — 5 useful quick tips you can apply to your photography business right now!

Wedding Detail Shots

A major part of the wedding day story is retold with the wedding detail shots. Because, at a wedding, every detail is planned. From the guest list to the attire to the fold of the napkins. The planning that goes into most weddings is the culmination of countless decisions and immeasurable effort. So capturing the most important detail shots and moments are essential to your success.

As the wedding photographer, you get to be the one to document the day as it all comes together. And it’s your job to help encapsulate all the tiny little nuances.

So here, we’ll cover the FIVE basic rules you should follow to capture the perfect wedding detail shots.

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You probably have picked up some awesome lighting techniques along your journey as a wedding photographer. And you know that lighting can be liberating OR one the most challenging aspects you face. Every shoot you encounter is different and each requires you to have a vast knowledge of photography lighting techniques (and how to properly use them) to nail the session every time.

We reached out to wedding photographer Mark Condon from Shotkit to discover his secrets to photography lighting techniques you can use for your upcoming shoots!

Check them out in this week’s Fast 5 on Lighting Techniques!

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Fast 5: Should You Outsource Your Wedding Photo Edits?

Outsource Wedding Photo Edits

Here at ShootDotEdit, we encourage you to Outsource Wedding Photo Edits! We provide photography editing services for professional wedding photographers and, as such, Outsourcing wedding photo edits is, we believe, the best way to streamline your post-wedding workflow. You’re able to free up your time, so you can focus on more important tasks for your photography business.

In this blog, we are going to discuss 10 reasons you need to outsource Outsource Wedding Photo Edits. Let’s start with 5 of them in part 1 of this blog post. Part 2 can be found here!

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Fast 5: Instagram Post Ideas from Top Wedding Photographers

Instagram Post Ideas

It’s hard keeping up with social media, especially when it comes to Instagram Post Ideas. But, having a presence on Instagram as a wedding photographer is an excellent way to place your images in front of ideal clients. Many feel it is the perfect platform for wedding photographers to use to grow their business. So that’s why we wanted to share these 5 Instagram Post Ideas with you!

As a company that specializes in professional photo editing services for photographers, we at ShootDotEdit, understand how important your images are to attract and book your ideal clients. Variety in your images and posts helps keep your followers interested. So to stay top of mind with your followers, you can make here are FIVE INSTAGRAM POST IDEAS to highlight your Wedding Photography Business.



As you get new followers, introductions are a simple way to share more about who you are as a person and photographer. When you share facts about you, your followers begin to trust you, which keeps you top of mind.


Because the wedding photography industry changes so rapidly, it can be helpful to share your expertise with your fellow photographers. To attract followers to your educational courses, webinars, and workshops, post about them on your Instagram account.


On your account, you can also use Boomerang as an Instagram Post Idea. This is a way to use Instagram to create unique videos. According to Instagram, Boomerang takes a burst of images, speeds them up, and plays them forward and backward to create a looping video. Boomerang is a great way to liven up your account and have some fun.


Another way to spice up your account is to feature a guest takeover or do one yourself. This places your brand in front of another photographer or vendor’s audience, which helps you attract new followers to your Instagram account.


As you implement your Instagram post ideas on your Instagram account, add in a few behind-the-scenes photos. These can be details of a wedding you are prepping for, or a product you are launching. You can also post about behind-the-scenes of your personal life to continue to build trust with followers.


Any Instagram Post Ideas you choose to showcase and share your photos on your Instagram account should represent your brand. Another way to make sure your images match your brand is to Outsource your photo editing to a wedding photography post-production company to ensure each image is consistent and shares who you are as a photographer. When you try different Instagram posts ideas on your business account, you provide followers with a look into who you are as a person and photographer. So why not impress them?

To know more about Instagram post ideas and first-hand experiences of pro wedding photographers, you can read our detailed blog- “9 INSTAGRAM POST IDEAS FROM TOP WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS”.

If you want to go the next level in Instagram, check out our blog post on IGTV here!

At ShootDotEdit, our goal is to take the “heavy lifting” of photo editing off your plate — giving you more time to run your business, spend time with your family, or even just have a weekend again!

Click here to learn more about what ShootDotEdit can do for you!

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Designing Wedding Photo Albums means designing timeless pieces that allow your couples to look back on their images and are a great way to increase your profits. When you effectively sell albums to your clients, it helps you to showcase your creativity and maximize business. So to speed up the process, we have put together 5 useful ways to help you create a simple album designing workflow.

Let’s get started!

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Fast 5: A Plan to Grow Your Business

Grow Your Business

No matter where you are, you probably want to Grow Your Business in wedding photography. You may be at the beginning or maybe you’re a seasoned professional wedding photographer. In either case, planning for your success is key. Starting a photography business can be so exciting, but growing your photography business starts to happen as you book more weddings and fill your calendar. But suddenly what once was your dream job can turn stressful and unmanageable. Having a photography business plan will ensure you can handle your growth and scale.

Being scalable and creating a plan to Grow Your Business allows you to implement proper systems that give you more time to work on your craft and require less time working on other tasks. This results in you saving time, energy, and greatly reducing stress. Here are FIVE amazing tips to Grow Your Business and become scalable by creating an effective plan.

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Fast 5: Blogging for Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing is king, but outsourcing is queen. Here at ShootDotEdit, we specialize in editing wedding photos. We also love to provide relevant and valuable insights on topics that are relevant to you as a wedding photographer. That’s why we partner with industry leaders to bring you their insights and tips on topics, such as wedding photography blog ideas, that can help grow your business. Read on for our top 5 Content Marketing tips which focus on starting a wedding photography blog and using it to grow your business.

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