Archives for 23 Apr,2015

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The 10 Must-Have Shots From the Reception

must-have shots from the reception

You just finished shooting a wonderful tear-jerking wedding ceremony, and you nailed all of the must-have shots. As the bride and groom happily run off as husband and wife, you think to yourself, “only 5 more hours left of coverage!” While that can seem exhausting at first, there’s good news! The hard part is over, and it’s almost time for you to capture some fun moments from the party – the reception!

Wedding reception traditions have been around for centuries. As a wedding photographer, it is your job to document these so that your couples can show their children and continue the traditions for years to come. Here are the 10 must-have shots that you must take from the wedding reception – and some fun facts to help you understand the importance of certain traditions!

1. The Grand Entrance

During the cocktail hour, the guests anticipate the arrival of the newlyweds to the reception. Once the couple walks through the doors, music blaring, the host will announce them and the room will go wild. It is the first time that they will be introduced to their friends and family as husband and wife. Make sure you snap a ton of pictures of the excitement on the bride and groom’s face during this moment. [···]

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