Archives for 18 Jan,2016

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8 (Non-Wedding) Photographers to Follow for Inspiration


When you are interested in bettering yourself as a wedding photographer, what do you do to find inspiration? Following your fellow photographers on social media and checking out their websites is great to discover ways to shoot and create dynamic photos. Although there are many wedding photographers who are talented and produce beautiful images, there are other photographers outside of the wedding industry who have creative shooting styles you can use to gain additional inspiration. So you can continue improving and making changes to the way you shoot, pose, and light your photos, heres 8 (non-wedding) photographers you need to start following today for inspiration.

1. Drew Hopper

Fine art, travel, and landscape photographer Drew Hopper, showcases gorgeous photos from around the world on his website. His images are creative and tell stories of exactly what he is shooting at the moment. Use Drews images to inspire you to take chances when you choose locations and backgrounds to shoot your couples and their wedding party. Even in the most challenging situations, your shooting skills should help you create the photos your clients will love.

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