Archives for 2 Aug,2016

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Top 5 Tips for Finding a Unique Photography Style


One of the most important parts of wedding photography is discovering and maintaining your unique style. Often times, it can be challenging to know exactly what your style is or who you are as a photographer. Without an idea of how to find your style, how can you maintain consistency and share your unique style with ideal clients?

In our Online Training: How to Find Your Unique Wedding Photography Style, Jared Platt shared the concept of how to get to a style and how to maintain that style without compromising efficiency, standards, and quality. Here are the top 5 tips from the training.

1. Understand What Style Is

To understand what style is, and create one that lasts, dig deep to the core of who you are as a photographer. You might think your style has do with just your logo or website, but that is not the case. The reason for this is because logos change, but the style of photographs should not change much throughout your career. Your style is actually who you are as a photographer, and what you believe in photographically.


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