Archives for 14 Jun,2017

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Photography Lighting Setups During the Wedding Family Formals

wedding photography lighting tips

It’s that part of the day… the wedding family formals, where you have to (quickly) gather the bride and groom’s family members and take a few memorable photos of everyone together. This is where your skills and confidence as a photographer comes in handy – especially when it comes to photography lighting. Because lighting is unpredictable, you must be prepared for any type of condition during this part of the wedding day. With multiple people together (their attention spans fading…), how can you create the perfect light to quickly capture these images? In the second post of her Wedding Lighting Masterclass, ShootDotEdit Customer, Leeann Marie, Wedding Photographers will share her wedding photography lighting tips to help you shoot confidently through the family formals.

Leeann Marie, Wedding Photographers Headshot


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