Archives for 22 Oct,2018

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Simple Tips for Finding Places to Take Pictures Near You

Graphic displaying places to take pictures near me/you

As a wedding photographer, you might Google places to take pictures near me when you desire to find unique shooting locations for your couple. Sometimes, this can be a challenge. As the years go by, clients tend to request the same locations. And, you are required to capture unique images they love each and every time. Or, if you are lucky, they might turn to you for advice. Often times, it can be difficult to think of new and amazing photo locations each and every time.

Outside of our wedding photo editing services, we connect with industry leaders to bring you valuable information to use in your photography business. To help us out with finding the best shooting locations, we brought in Melissa Jill Photography, an established Arizona wedding photographer. She is going to break down a ton of tips and tricks for finding great photography locations.

Melissa Jill headshot

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