Archives for 29 Apr,2020

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10 Inspirational Photography Quotes to Lift Your Spirits Through COVID-19 Quarantine

Inspirational Photography Quotes

Inspirational Photography Quotes are some of our favorite ways to reflect on the wisdom of others. American photojournalist and photographer, Dorothea Lange once said, “Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still”. Nothing can be truer than this in these tough times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the time this was written, we were quarantined inside our homes (by will or by government order) to avoid the monster of a virus outside, but who knows how big or small that monster is? Stories give us great insight. We are all consuming stories, from across the world, to know the seriousness and impact of this disease but do we believe these stories without photographic proof?

“I don’t trust words. I trust pictures,” Gilles Peress once said. We believe what we see, hence why photographers are still working day in and out, documenting the state of affairs. 

The aim of these photographs is to give us enough thorough information about current events, while also serving as a reminder of the times for coming generations. But for those of us that are living through it, some of these images will forever be etched in our hearts.

Want more inspiration? Check out the ShootDotEdit story with co-founder and CEO Garrett Delph here.

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