Archives for 8 Jun,2021

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Should Wedding Photographers Negotiate Their Prices

Should Wedding Photographers Negotiate Their Prices

Should wedding photographers negotiate their prices? There is no right or wrong answer as long as it works for you! But there are several factors to consider when you are faced with this question. First, consider that the client may have legitimate reasons for asking you to negotiate your wedding photography prices. Start by coming to the table willing to have a conversation and hear them out. Be prepared to explain how your prices reflect a variety of things about your business, such as your experience, expertise, brand position in the market, the quality of your equipment and product, and other associated costs that go along with running a business. Communicating this to a client asking to negotiate your pricing could result in better understanding, and they may walk away satisfied with what you charge, or they may not. The key is to have the conversation, listen, and decide if, after that, they’re still not willing to pay your prices if you’re in a place to meet them where they’re at. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you know when you should, or shouldn’t, be willing to negotiate. 

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