Archives for 25 Jun,2021

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HoneyBook: A Client Management Software That Empowers Small Businesses To Own Their Independence With Passion & Purpose

A collage of an infographic about HoneyBook a client management software on the right and a thumbnail of Natalie Franke on the left

“Time is the most precious thing we have. It is the only thing that we never get back.” These were among the very first words Natalie Franke shared with us when we sat down with her to learn about Honeybook and Rising Tide Society, laying the groundwork for all the passion and inspiration that would come from our interview with her. HoneyBook is a client management software with the mission to empower small business owners to be successful and live a life built on passion and purpose. The Rising Tide Society is a community of creatives empowering the creative economy to rise together. Natalie Franke is the co-founder of one (Rising Tide Society) and the Head of Community at the other (HoneyBook). 

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