Lightroom & Photoshop Tips

Top 5 Tips: What You Need to Know about Adobe Lightroom Classic CC

top 5 tips for adobe lightroom classic cc

As a photographer, it is essential to have a fast and streamlined post-wedding workflow. With the latest Adobe Lightroom Classic CC announcement, there has been plenty of confusion and questions from the photography community. Since our goal at ShootDotEdit is to empower the professional photographer, we reached out to one of the industry’s experts in all things Lightroom.


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[RSVP] Adobe Lightroom Classic CC: A Live Q+A with Jared Platt

adobe lightroom classic cc live q+a

Join us as we host a LIVE Q+A with Jared Platt to answer the flurry of pro photographer questions surrounding the new Adobe Lightroom Classic CC announcement. This is the perfect time to get your questions answered regarding the Classic CC release. And, listen along as pros from all over the world get their questions answered!

Tuesday, November 7th
10am PST


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Ask Anything with Jared Platt: His Top Efficiency, Workflow, and Lightroom Tips

jared platt's top efficiency, workflow, and lightroom tips

As a busy wedding photographer, your time is spent meeting new clients, shooting their engagement sessions and wedding days, and fulling their products. Your to-do list may constantly expand and your time could become more limited with every project. One of the best ways to stay on top of your workload, and eliminate stress, is to be as fast as possible and learn the best workflow, efficiency, and Lightroom tips to accomplish your tasks.

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Top Lightroom Tips to Implement into Your Wedding Workflow


As a photographer, there are plenty of elements that go into the wedding process, especially your post-wedding workflow. One of the top tools for you to learn and feel comfortable with is Lightroom. When used correctly, Lightroom can help speed up your workflow and keep you as organized as possible. Since you work with various clients and have many tasks to accomplish, organization and speed are keys to your success.

In our Online Trainings, Guides, and blog posts, Lightroom Guru and ShootDotEdit Wedding Pro, Jared Platt, has shared valuable tips for how to use Lightroom to maximize your workflow. Here are the top Lightroom tips you should implement into your wedding workflow from the expert.

Organize Folders

Lightroom allows you to have folders to keep your images organized and easily accessible. Some of the ways to properly use folders in Lightroom is to create individual folders for each session you shoot. Use a folder structure that is similar to the way you store images on your hard drive. Make sure that the folders you create have descriptive names and avoid dates in their naming structure. Learn more about how to organize folders in Lightroom here.


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Culling in Camera: Can it Save You Time?


During the wedding day, how many images are you shooting? Chances are, you shoot hundreds of images from the wedding day (based on these most important moments) – most of which don’t make it to the final set you send to your clients. And, based on how many images clients really want, the culling process may force you to spend your time getting rid of a ton of images to get to your final total.

Culling your images in Lightroom is not the only way to start the process of delivering a set of the best images from the wedding day. You can start the process earlier by updating your process, and even culling in camera. The biggest question is, can these techniques save you time in your workflow? Here are a few steps you can take to eliminate the number of images you need to cull on your computer during your post-wedding workflow.

Step 1: Shoot What’s Needed

The first step is to start the process before you even take the first set of images. Achieve the best shots possible by properly posing your clients in a place where the background is ideal, the light highlights them, and you know it will be a memorable image. Or, if it’s something you cannot pose, position yourself in the best angle for the image. Before you take the photo, make sure you know it will result in an image that contributes to the overall story of the wedding day. If you only focus on the images that matter, you won’t have to spend as much time on your computer afterwards.


Image Compliments of Sam Stroud Photography

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Why Shouldn’t You Do It All Yourself?


When you first started your business, there were so many things you needed to do yourself to figure out the ins and outs of your new role. Then, as your business started to grow, you had more tasks and responsibilities than ever. And sure, doing everything yourself might have seemed like a good idea when you first started. But, taking on every project and task for your business is not a sustainable solution – not if you truly want to grow and reach your goals.

The cost of doing everything yourself adds up over time, and ultimately pushes you a little farther away from your overall goals. This is especially true for your post-wedding workflow, and even more so for your post production. Editing images from every wedding takes away valuable time from your workflow, which is an expense that can hinder your ability to advance your career.

Whether you edit the images yourself, or have an in-house editor, there are so many hidden costs of post production. What are these hidden costs, exactly? Take a look below at the various items you pay for when you do everything yourself.

Management Costs

One of your roles as a business owner is to manage your business. Although you manage it, you do not necessarily need to take care of every single task involved. When you edit images yourself, you take on additional management costs. What are some of these costs?

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Top 5 Tips for Creating Presets the Right Way


How many hours do you spend in your post-wedding workflow? Your time is so valuable that you need to make sure you use every minute to its fullest. Creating and using Lightroom presets to add your Signature Style to images is a fast way for you to maintain consistency and quickly deliver your images to clients. But, if you spend too much time creating presets, you are missing out on important parts of your business that require your attention.

In our Surefire Methods to Creating Presets the Right Way Webinar, Cole Joseph shared how to create custom presets for your business to match your Signature Style, and how to use them to simplify your process in Lightroom. Here are the top 5 tips from Coles recent webinar for you to implement into your workflow today.

1. Create Unique Presets for Images

Just like you can save time when you outsource various parts of your workflow, Lightroom presets help you eliminate time from your post-wedding workflow by allowing you to quickly apply artistic edits after your images are color corrected. Although you can purchase presets for your business, creating them means you have complete control over the style you place on your images. 

Lightroom presets help you provide exceptional service because you can add your style faster, meaning you will have a quick photo turnaround time. Plus, when you create and use presets, you save time which equals more money for your business. The more time you can save in your post-wedding workflow, the easier it will be to work on other projects to increase your profit.


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Surefire Methods to Creating Presets the Right Way Webinar


In your post-wedding workflow, it’s easy to lose track of the time you spend on your tasks; especially adding your artistic edits. After your images are color corrected, applying your Signature Style is an important task to take care of to diversify yourself from others in the industry. Using Lightroom presets can assist you in developing a quick and simple process for adding your Signature Style to your images. But, spending too much time adjusting your presets can take away from other areas in your business. How can you make presets that represent your style and quickly add them to your photos?

In our Surefire Methods to Creating Presets the Right Way Webinar, Cole Joseph will demonstrate simple tips to help you create your very own presets for your Signature Style!

Wednesday, May 11th 
10am PDT – 11am PDT



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