Social Media Tips

How to use Hootsuite for Your Wedding Photography Business


In your wedding photography business, it is important to spend a majority of your time reaching ideal clients. With the advancements in technology and the Internet, there are plenty of platforms you can use to achieve this. One of the fastest ways to reach clients (past and present) is to use social media to share your content. Since almost 1.7 billion people have active social media accounts, you need to have a presence online so potential clients can readily find you.

Although utilizing social platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, can help you reach additional clients, how do you carve out the time to make it work for you? Regardless of the season, you are a busy wedding photographer who has to take care of your business. How can you spend your time creating and posting on social media without falling behind on your other tasks?

Hootsuite is a social media management program which can help you manage your platforms to reach more of your ideal clients. Using Hootsuite in your workflow helps you connect with a larger audience through each of your social platforms. Check out these tips for using Hootsuite and get started managing your social media today.

Manage Multiple Social Media Platforms

As a wedding photographer, it is important to be present on social media platforms which will help you reach a larger audience. This means you are in charge of more than one program at once. But, when you take time to post to each network, it takes valuable time away from other parts of your business.


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Top 5 Tips: Maximizing Your Facebook Photography Page

maximizing facebook photography page

With billions of users on Facebook, there are plenty of opportunities for you to capture the attention of a larger audience than you currently have on your Facebook photography page. Because there is so much content available on Facebook, and constant changes to the algorithm, it is necessary for you to have a strategic business plan in place to reach your ideal clients.


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Infographic – Sharing on Social Media as a Photographer


Did you know that when you post an image to Facebook, it will receive more likes and 104% more comments than just posting a status update without an image? With percentages like that, how could you NOT want to post more photos online? In fact, social media’s most valuable currency is images, which places wedding photographers at an advantage since you shoot new photos on the regular!

As easy as it is to post images on social media, it is no longer enough to just post whenever you feel like it – you need a strategy when it comes to sharing your photos! When you create a strategic approach for posts on social media, you allow yourself to stand out from your competitors. By knowing the best times to share images, how many images to post, and the proper way to tag clients in photos, you will be at an advantage and can gain maximum exposure.

Related: Top 5 Tips for Using Instagram for Your Business

So how do you stand out from the crowd and use social media to your advantage? We’ve gathered 4 techniques to sharing on social media that you need as a professional wedding photographer. To share these 4 tips, we’ve created an infographic for your viewing pleasure! We cover tagging people, the best times to post, as well as statistics and data for each section. Take a look below!


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Who’s Doing it Right on Pinterest


One of the best parts of being a wedding photographer is having the ability to capture beautiful and unique moments. Once you shoot the wedding and have your images edited by a photo editing company, what steps to do you take to share your work? With 72.8 million users and counting, Pinterest is becoming one of the top social media marketing platforms for wedding photographers to use.

Denver, Colorado photography duo Jason and Gina Grubb use Pinterest to share their wedding images to reach clients that are part of their target market. Not only does their Pinterest business page have 1.5K followers (and growing!), Jason and Gina have a strategic approach on how they use their content to attract ideal clients. Here are a few tips to help you create a Pinterest page that reflects your brand and attracts the clients you want to work with.


Expand Your Reach

As a wedding photographer, it is important for you to get in front of as many potential clients as possible with your images. According to Jason, 81% of all Pinterest users are women who are likely looking at boards while planning their wedding. When a user reaches one of your images, they get to discover who you are as a photographer. Jason and Gina understand that the more images they place on Pinterest, the larger audience they will reach. [···]

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Facebook for the Wedding Photographer Guide


In the competitive wedding photography business, it is necessary for you to stand out against the other competitors. One of the best parts about being a photographer is that you have an abundance of free content at your fingertips – your images! With those images, you can share your content with thousands of followers on Facebook. Facebook is a perfect tool for you to use to attract new clients… if you know how to use it. Facebook allows you to create a unique brand message, and then share that to your target audience.

However, using Facebook can be challenging – it can be difficult to know whether you are getting the most value out of using the social platform. How can you create a social media strategy in Facebook that will benefit you and help grow your business? We have the perfect guide to help you get the best out of your efforts: Facebook for the Wedding Photographer Guide!


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How to Create a Successful Social Media Strategy


As a busy wedding photographer, your calendar is full with client meetings, marketing, blogging, and most importantly, weddings. With everything needing your attention at once, it can be challenging to keep track of everything you need to do, especially small day-to-day tasks such as social media. This is understandable, but the good news is there are ways you can avoid forgetting, and instead, continuously stay relevant in the minds of your past, present, and future clients!

Creating a social media schedule for your business is extremely helpful in assisting you with maintaining a consistent and successful workflow. This is one of the benchmark steps in a successful content marketing strategy, which is why we’ve developed 4 steps to help you figure out what works best for you and your business.

1. Decide on your Social Platforms

Before you can determine how often you are posting, you will first need to know what platforms work best for your business. You want your images to make a connection with your audience, and social media platforms are extremely helpful for several reasons. Instagram allows you to share your photos instantly with other users. You can also use Twitter for the same purpose, as well interacting with your followers. Facebook is also great for this because you can use it for contests that engage people in your feed. [···]

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4 Secrets to Optimize your Facebook Fan Page


Facebook is an essential resource for you as a wedding photography business owner. With at least 350 million people logging in every month, you have the opportunity to capture the attention of ideal clients around the world! Facebook doesn’t allow users to do business on their personal pages, so it is necessary for you to create a customized Facebook page that is catered to your ideal clients. Since you’ve made the decision to outsource your wedding photo editing, you can take these 4 tips and customize your Facebook fan page.

1. Include a branded cover image

One of the most important parts of your Facebook page is your cover image. Make sure that you design a Facebook cover image that takes into consideration that there is a headshot in the left corner of the space – meaning you want to avoid creating an image that is blocked by the photo or other tabs. As you choose the image that will represent you and your business, find an image that reflects you as a wedding photographer.

Photographer Ning Wong has a cover image on his fan page that is simple, but represents his brand and what type of images he will shoot for clients. The simplicity of his cover image shows his followers that he pays attention to detail and will do the same in their wedding shoot. [···]

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