fast five

Fast 5: Email Marketing Campaigns

Email Marketing Campaigns

Email campaigns are a great way to nurture your clients and keep them engaged for years to come.  They can also be a great way to educate other wedding photographers who sign up to up to your email list.

If you’ve been keeping up with our Fast 5’s, then hopefully you’ve begun creating rich content aimed and both new and past wedding clients.  So today, we wanted to talk about another great way to engage with your followers and subscribers: Email Campaigns!

Ensure a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Here are 5 points to completely nail when it comes to creating email marketing campaigns that wow your audience.

1. Know the Interests of Your Audience

Your top priority should be to increase engagement with your wedding clients.  So if you’re giving advice on the wedding planning process, make sure that advice is relevant and actionable.

2. Be Authentic to Your Brand & Business with Email Marketing Campaigns

Any content you create needs to be authentic and represent your brand’s unique message — this includes your email campaigns!  You want your words to represent who you are and what you’re all about.

3. Each Phase has Different Needs

And they need to be nurtured as such!  This means you should try and segment your audiences into leads, current clients and past clients.  The leads will need content that nurtures them toward conversion. And your current clients might need content that helps make their wedding planning process a breeze.  As for past clients, there are always anniversary sessions, vow renewals and family portraits to keep in mind. Always be nurturing in your campaigns.

4. Track the Results of Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Keep track of the conversions coming from your campaigns.  If your emails aren’t converting like you thought they would, don’t be afraid to switch it up a bit — test out a new sequence until you find one that works.

5. Don’t Limit Yourself to Clients Only with Email Marketing Campaigns

If you find that other wedding photographers are signing up to your email marketing campaign list, segment them into their own category.  Provide compelling content packed full of tips and tricks for their own businesses. This will turn you into a thought leader in your industry and from there, the sky’s the limit.

If you’d like more info on marketing your wedding photography business, you can read the Fast 5 on Website Marketing and Content Marketing.  Or you can check out a more in-depth article HERE.

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