Featured Photographer

The Importance of Implementing Business Processes in Wedding Photography: Featuring Infinite Loop Photography

Infographic with Jerry Cantave thumbnail at the right side and text on the left hand side
Jerry Cantave of Infinite Loop Photography

Running a wedding photography business means constantly being vigilant on every level to keep your business humming. From maintaining and updating your website to keeping up with social media and the challenges of post-production, there’s always so much to do! And according to ShootDotEdit customer Jerry Cantave of Infinite Loop Photography, managing your wedding photography business is easier, faster, and more successful if you put business processes in place from the start. He believes if you “map out the process first, then bring on the tools that let you reach the goals in the most effective manner,” you will thrive. Find out more about his secrets to success in this feature story. 

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The Art of Working Together: Featuring Husband & Wife Team Joe & Darryl Ann of Salt & Pine Photo

Infographic displaying a quote from Joe and Darryl Ann (a husband and wife team) on the left and a sunset silhouette at the right

There is so much that goes into running a successful wedding photography business and it can be a great experience to get to share that load with someone who has the same passion as you – and more importantly – is someone you love. Different husband and wife wedding photography teams have different ways to succeed, but what’s common in all of them is the love they share with their partner. Joe and Darryl Ann of Salt and Pine Photo are no exception! This husband and wife team not only knows how to successfully operate as a photography duo but also how to successfully operate as introverts in the wedding industry.

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The Power of Love: A Husband & Wife Photographer Feature with Natalie & Brandon of Studio N Photography

Thumbnail of husband and wife photographers Natalie and Brandon

Love, passion, and commitment – the journey to be a successful husband and wife photography team takes all three. Staying centered in your relationship while being successful in your business means finding a common vision and building strong bonds that will be tested. But even if it takes every ounce of strength, compassion, and patience in you to keep going, it’s worth it – especially for ShootDotEdit customers Natalie and Brandon of Studio N Photography.  When we asked these husband and wife photographers to share their story, we got the ups and downs, highs and lows, and what it takes to make it work. 

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Outdoor Wedding Photos Inspiration From ShootDotEdit Customers

Outdoor Wedding Photos Inspiration From ShootDotEdit Customers

Planning to take outdoor wedding photos during your next assignment? If yes, then we’d suggest that you pay extra attention to your lighting! Outdoor wedding photography can be a great way to create stunning images for your couples and your portfolio too. You can play with beautiful backgrounds, different elements of nature, and wide, open spaces. You could also include some props (think umbrellas in case of rainy days). But as nice as they look, taking photographs outside can also be challenging. Whether it’s unpredictable weather or unbalanced lighting, you will need to be prepared for anything when you decide to take your couples outdoors. However, some pros know what it takes to get those breathtaking outdoor photos. This blog brings you images from talented wedding photographers and ShootDotEdit customers who aced the outdoor wedding game by capturing gorgeous images. So if you are in the mood to get inspired, you have come to the right place! 

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3 Couples’ Secrets To Working As A Husband & Wife Photography Team

Infographic on 3 couples secrets to working as a husband and wife photography team

Born out of love, fueled by passion, and sustained through perseverance — husband and wife photography teams can create amazing things together. But working with the person you love also has its challenges. Even though many couples imagine sharing a life, only a few dare to work with each other in business. We reached out to three couples to find out their secrets to working successfully with their partner, and here’s what they had to say.

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Love For All Helps You Succeed: Black History Month Feature With Flavio DeBarros

Black History Month Feature With Flavio DeBarros Infographic and portrait

Every February, the U.S. and other parts of the world celebrate Black History Month to honor the contributions of African-Americans and their culture. Hit by slavery in the past and racism to date, this community has had a journey worth knowing and respecting. This year’s Black History Month is more significant with grown awareness and the development of the Black Lives Matter movement all over the world. We, at ShootDotEdit, stand in solidarity and celebrate this month with a feature story on the very talented wedding photographer and ShootDotEdit customer Flavio DeBarros.

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