Archives for 12 May,2015

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Top 5 Tips for Pinterest


As a wedding photographer, it is vital to be present on social media. We have shared how to use Facebook and Instagram to grow your business, and now we want to share how you can utilize Pinterest to market your business. Pinterest is a social media platform with 70 million (and climbing!) users that can drive potential clients to your website. Not only can you share your content with a larger audience, but you can also reach potential clients that may never have found you before!

In our Pinterest for the Wedding Pro Webinar, Colorado wedding photographer Jason Grubb discussed how to use pins to attract traffic back to your website. We’ve gathered the top 5 tips to creating a branded and strategically organized Pinterest page for your wedding photography business.

1. Share Your Images

You have heard the saying, “A picture is worth 1,000 words.” As a photographer, you have an entire collection of unique images to share with clients. Pictures speak volumes for your photography business, which helps you define yourself as a photographer. Sharing your images with potential clients on Pinterest allows them to see your skills and the quality they will get after booking your services. When you pin your images, be sure to create a new board to separate each collection. Clients will appreciate the organization and simplicity to finding images that they are attracted to. Also, creating boards for each event you shoot will tell a complete story to your followers. Since you are representing your brand, be sure to share your best images that represent you and your business.


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