
Top 5 Tips for Pinterest


As a wedding photographer, it is vital to be present on social media. We have shared how to use Facebook and Instagram to grow your business, and now we want to share how you can utilize Pinterest to market your business. Pinterest is a social media platform with 70 million (and climbing!) users that can drive potential clients to your website. Not only can you share your content with a larger audience, but you can also reach potential clients that may never have found you before!

In our Pinterest for the Wedding Pro Webinar, Colorado wedding photographer Jason Grubb discussed how to use pins to attract traffic back to your website. We’ve gathered the top 5 tips to creating a branded and strategically organized Pinterest page for your wedding photography business.

1. Share Your Images

You have heard the saying, “A picture is worth 1,000 words.” As a photographer, you have an entire collection of unique images to share with clients. Pictures speak volumes for your photography business, which helps you define yourself as a photographer. Sharing your images with potential clients on Pinterest allows them to see your skills and the quality they will get after booking your services. When you pin your images, be sure to create a new board to separate each collection. Clients will appreciate the organization and simplicity to finding images that they are attracted to. Also, creating boards for each event you shoot will tell a complete story to your followers. Since you are representing your brand, be sure to share your best images that represent you and your business.

Tip: Set up “Pin It” buttons on your blog post images, as well as other images within your website to encourage clients to share your work on Pinterest.

2. Redirect to Your Website

As more users join Pinterest, the opportunity for you to capture their attention increases. Once you get their attention, you can use Pinterest to direct them to your website and blog. According to Jason, Pinterest users are approximately 81% female, of which 42% live in the U.S. alone – this is potentially a bunch of traffic that you can filter to your website! Brides have the ability to browse images on Pinterest in a variety of ways – through their computers, tablets, and mobile devices. Because of this, there are several opportunities for brides to see your work, and it is important that you remember to link each image back to your website.

3. Decide on Watermarking

When it comes to watermarking, there is no right or wrong way to have your image displayed on Pinterest – it is important to do what is best for you and your business. According to Jason and his wife Gina, they know that brides can identify their brand and style of shooting through the images on Pinterest without the watermark. Though he recognizes that his images have a greater chance to be stolen without the watermark, he also knows that a watermark can sometimes easily be removed and images can be used without permission. A great thing about Pinterest is that whether you choose to use a watermark or not, any time a user clicks on your image, they can be redirected to your website!

Related: The 15 Must-Have Shots During the Getting Ready

Tip: Teach other vendors and clients how to tag your business in the images they share to give you the proper credit and continue to increase your reach on Pinterest.

4. Keep it Consistent

As is any process in your business, it is important for you to develop a schedule for pinning on Pinterest. After every wedding you shoot, and you get your images back from ShootDotEdit’s photo editing services, pin your favorite images to the appropriate board to keep your images consistent and organized. As your followers grow on Pinterest, learn when your target market is online so you can create a schedule and pin images at the best time. Make a schedule that allows you to pin your images to Pinterest on a daily or weekly basis (depending on how many weddings you shoot during the year). Even if you only shoot a few weddings per year, you can create boards that feature photos that are not from weddings, as long as the theme of the board is related to your brand in some way.

5. Organize Your Boards

As a bride browses through Pinterest and she reaches your profile page, she wants to see an organized collection of images from your past weddings and events. If you organize your boards by category, this will make it easier for her to find what she is looking for. It is possible that if you label your boards based on location and shooting event, she will be more likely to relate to your content and may look into you as a wedding photographer.

Related: The 10 Must-Have Shots From the Reception

Tip: Write a clear description with every pin, telling users exactly what it is all about. Use keywords that attract your ideal client – especially those that describe the specific aspects of each wedding that will help you to further reach your ideal clients.

When you create an organized Pinterest page that you consistently pin to with your images, you will attract clients who love you and your business. Using this social media platform will allow people to find you through an easier search option, and lead them straight to your website! To learn additional ways to improve your wedding photography business, download our How to Grow Your Wedding Photography Business: 2015 Updated Guide!


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