Archives for 2015

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Using Content to Attract Engaged Couples


With over 2 million weddings occurring in the U.S. each year, there is no shortage of couples for you to photograph. With an abundance of weddings happening each year, you have the luxury of determining who your ideal clients are and focusing on shooting those weddings. Once you determine this though, how do you properly market to them?

When it comes to your marketing efforts, 80% of it should focus on couples who are engaged. Glowing with happiness, these newly engaged couples are soon going to be planning every aspect of their wedding, from the color scheme to the music selection, to the photographer. They will have several photography options, so it is important that you stand out! It is crucial to continuously give to your target market that is recently engaged. Provide content that is relevant and helpful, and prove to them that they can trust you. Here are a few ways to use your content to attract engaged couples to your photography business.

Solve their problems

As a wedding photographer, you are an expert in all things relating to the big day. Because of this, you should create useful content that will help assist engaged couples in their journey to the wedding day. To determine the topics you should focus on, do some homework – what are some subjects that your past clients wished they had known during their engagement process? Are there problems that you can help them overcome or tips you can share that will make certain processes simpler? [···]

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Posing Deep Dive: The Key to Successful Posing


Posing is no easy task. Even harder than posing one subject is making sure that multiple subjects look their best in an image. Along with mastering the pose, it is crucial that you examine their expressions as well! Sometimes, the most challenging of part of posing is ensuring that the expressions match with the pose. You may have a great pose, and in order for it to be a stunning image, you need a strong expression as well.

In our Posing Critique Webinar with Roberto Valenzuela, photographers from all over the world submitted images to be reviewed by the posing guru. Taking time to learn how to properly pose is important, and you can free up some of your time by outsourcing your images to a wedding photography editing company. Today, we’re continuing our Posing Deep Dive series, which is geared to help photographers create the best wedding images possible. If you have missed the first 3 installments of the series, you can access them here:

#1: Why Body Language Matters

#2: Contrasting Colors can Make or Break Images

#3: Can Lighting Dictate the Pose you use?

This week, Roberto shares a key to successful posing that will improve every photo you take!


Today’s image was submitted from KDalton Photography, located in Cincinatti, Ohio. Overall, it is a beautiful black and white photo that captures an intimate moment between the couple.

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How to Shoot Weddings when Surrounded by Guests’ Cell Phones


As you prepare for each wedding shoot, you charge your batteries, pack your gear, and review the timeline. Once you arrive to the wedding, you may realize there was one thing you forgot to prepare for – guests who are eager and ready to use their cell phones to take photos. With the constant rise in technology, it is very common to see guests using their cell phones or tablets to take photos during the wedding day. Somewhere in your archives, you most likely have an image of a guest standing in your shot. While this may be a frustrating experience, it is your job to keep a smile on your face, act professional, and find ways to capture the important moments without allowing the guests to distract you.

Guests are likely to take photos for the same reasons you are – they want to capture the moments of the day. Remember, the guests were invited from the bride and groom – these guests have personal connections with the couple, which is why this day is so special to them. Even though the guests are not getting paid to take photos, knowing that they have the memories documented is significant. Here are some tips to help you shoot weddings and capture the most important moments when surrounded by guests’ cell phones.


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How to Attract New Readers to your Blog


As a wedding photographer, there are many tools that you can use to attract new clients to your website – which brings you more bookings and increases your overall profit. Not only can you network with vendors, but you can build a following on social media and attract new readers to your blog. It can sometimes be challenging to continuously attract new readers to to your blog if you don’t know where to start.

Here at ShootDotEdit, we’re invested in teaching photographers how to run successful businesses. In addition to providing photography editing services to wedding photographers, we love to provide you with the best ways to improve your business and meet new clients! Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to create a strategy to attract new readers to your blog.

Identify your Target Audience

As you focus on blogging, it is important to identify who your target market is. Your blog can be a gateway to your website for many people, and you want to make sure that you are attracting the right viewers. While it may be simple to create blog posts focused on photography tips and tricks, be sure to understand the type of readers who will be viewing each post. By posting photography related posts, you will increase your photographer following. Unless shooting other photographers’ weddings is in line with your target market, be sure that you are posting content that will relate to your target market. Take time to determine who your ideal clients are and create content that will keep them engaged. Also keep in mind that you want to reach more clients like them.

Tip: Consider creating an additional blog for your educational photography related posts. This way, you can share that specific blog with photographers and keep it separated from your posts that are meant to help you book more weddings.


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Posing Deep Dive: Can Lighting Dictate the Pose you use?


As you shoot the wedding day, there are many aspects that you have to consider in order to get the perfect shot. Simply posing the bride and groom is not enough – it’s important for you to pay attention to the intricate details that make up an image. One of the most important parts of shooting is paying attention to the lighting that you’re working with. As you partner with a wedding photo editing company that takes care of your post production needs, you will have additional time to focus on your posing and lighting skills!

In our Posing Critique Webinar with Roberto Valenzuela, photographers from all around the world submitted images to be reviewed by the posing expert. Today, we’re continuing our Posing Deep Dive series, which is geared to help photographers create the best wedding images possible. In our first and second posts of the series, Roberto focused on the details of proper body language and how to use contrasting colors in your photography. This week, Roberto dives into the importance of lighting and how it can affect the pose you select.


The image for review today was submitted by Dylan Burr from Aventura Photo Video. It features the bride and groom in a stunning location with golden lighting from the sun – thanks for the submission, Dylan!



Use of Natural Light 

This photo is filled with gorgeous lighting, and it is in a beautiful location. The photographer did a great using the light to his advantage in capturing the couple during golden hour. The location was also properly chosen, because the landscape turned a golden-yellow color as the sun set, giving this a warm, magical feel. [···]

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Posing Deep Dive: Contrasting Colors can Make or Break Images


When you are photographing couples, there are several factors to take into consideration in order to produce a beautiful photo. Not only do you need to examine your surroundings, understand the lighting, and determine the best pose, but you also need to look at elements such as color. Color can play a large role in your images because it can direct your attention to a certain aspect of the photo.

In our Posing Critique Webinar with Roberto, one of the goals was to help photographers learn posing techniques to enhance and improve their work. Today, we are continuing our Posing Deep Dive series with Roberto Valenzuela, where he takes a clinical look at some of the images submitted and provides tips and insights on how to improve them! In this second installment, Roberto explains the importance of being aware of colors in your shot and how they can affect the focal point of the image. Enjoy!
This week, I want to focus on an image submitted by Vince Murdock from Indigo Sky Photography. Overall, this photo is beautifully done, and the contact between the couple engages the viewer, and a true connection is made.

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8 Tips for Shooting Beach Wedding Photography

shooting beach wedding photography

There is a romantic quality to the ocean. It’s vast, beautiful, and awe-inspiring. It’s no surprise that many couples are drawn to it and choose the beach for their couple portraits before the wedding shoot and weddings. Shooting on the sand and in front of the ocean offers a lot of potential for striking and stunning images. However, shooting beach wedding photography can also be a challenge.


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4 Fast Marketing Hacks for your Wedding Photography Business


With the large amount of content produced every day by photographers, it can be overwhelming to know how to produce content that will be seen. Additionally, it can be even more challenging to produce valuable content that can attract your ideal clients and help you book more weddings. Since you have more free time after outsourcing your images to a post wedding photography service, you can spend that extra time gathering information and writing your content!

So how do you know if you are creating successful content? Whether the content you produce is placed on your blog, social platforms, or in emails, you need to measure it’s results. By doing this, you can learn what your target market is interested in and what you should produce more of. Here are 4 tools you can use to measure your content’s success!

Blog Posts: Google Analytics

Blogging can be a great gateway for potential clients to get to know you and your brand. If you have worked to create a blogging schedule and are posting 1-2 times a week, you need to know which content readers are finding valuable. Google Analytics is a great (and free) resource for you to determine how well content on your blog is performing. Through Google Analytics, you can measure items such as page views, unique visitors, popular posts, and bounce rates. It can be a bit overwhelming to know where to start, so begin by looking at how many page views each blog posts is receiving. This will give you a good starting point to know which posts your audience is drawn to. [···]

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Posing Deep Dive with Roberto Valenzuela: Why Body Language Matters


Here at ShootDotEdit, not only do we care about providing our customers with the best in post production photography, we also like to share insights from photographers in the industry. Roberto Valenzuela is a great example of a photographer who is an expert in all things posing and lighting. In addition to his photography career, he is also an author and an educator. One of the greatest aspects of being a teacher is the opportunity to help individuals succeed and continuously improve. It can be so rewarding to watch them grow into their craft, especially when it is an area that you are passionate about too, such as photography.

In our Posing Critique Webinar with Roberto, one of the goals was to help photographers learn posing techniques to enhance and improve their work. Numerous amount of photos were submitted for review, and in this 5-part blog series, Roberto will take a clinical look at some of the images submitted and provide tips and insights on how to improve them. Today is the first installment, and Roberto shares the importance of body language in your images – enjoy!


This week, I want to focus on an image submitted by Southern California Wedding Photographer, Nathan Shute:



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