
4 Killer Tricks for Your Instagram Business Account


With all of the tips and tricks available for your Instagram business account, there are plenty of opportunities to reach out to followers who are qualified to be your ideal clients. Since it takes time to build a strategy for your account, and encourage interaction from followers, it is necessary for you to test methods to see which work for you. Here are 4 killer tricks for you to test to bring you even closer to followers who are perfect for your photography business.

 1. Update Links in Bio

When you add links to your social media accounts, you encourage followers to click them. Instagram is no different. Because you have to place links in your bio, it is crucial you update the link as often as possible. If you share an image from your most recent blog post, add in a call-to-action in the text of your Instagram post, and place the link in your bio. The call-to-action creates excitement for your followers, so they are more likely to click on the link and access your blog.


Your Instagram business account will begin to build viewership, and often times followers are looking at your posts several days after you posted. A good rule of thumb is to update the link in your bio once you post a new photo. With updated links, you eliminate confusion and continue to build trust (because the link you shared brings them to the correct place).

There are many things you share on your Instagram. From past engagement and wedding photos, upcoming blog posts and events, and personal stories which help humanize you. Use these posting opportunities to update the link in your bio to other platforms. Remember, the more links you use, the easier it will be to encourage followers to access your website, blog, and other social networks.

2. Browse Images by Location

As a wedding photographer, you share your specialty with followers, which includes your location. This is perfect for Instagram, as it allows you to use geotagging and hashtags relevant to the location on your posts. Plus, you can browse images by location to interact with followers who are in your target market.

When you search for photos and followers to interact with, look for images shared in your specific location. It is especially helpful when ideal clients use hashtags that are wedding or engagement-related, so you know they are looking for a photographer. Use your likes and comments on posts which are in your specific location, so you know your time is properly spent. Many of the people you interact with will come back to check out your Instagram business account.

3. Hide Tagged Photos

One of the main benefits of your Instagram account is to share images from your past shoots to showcase your unique photography style. The style you choose is carefully crafted so you attract the perfect clients to your business. When you share images on Instagram, they reflect your style and help share your brand message with followers.

Because Instagram allows followers to tag you in their images, it can be helpful to hide those photos on your account. When you hide the photos, you do not remove yourself from them, but you move them off of your account for followers to view.[ninja-inline id=14322]

When you hide tagged photos, you keep your brand message in line. A clear brand message is key to help you attract the perfect clients to your account, and then encourage them to access your website. If you have photos on your account which are taken by someone else, it can cause confusion for your followers. Even though you hide the posts, you can still like and interact with them to keep your engagement high.

4. Add Break Lines for Hashtags

On your Instagram business account, hashtags are one of the main tools to help you expand your reach. You may already have a strategy for hashtags in place or are in the test process right now for them. With any strategy, you will likely have multiple hashtags on every post.

After you receive your images from a wedding photography color correction company, you likely share them on your website, blog, and social media platforms. And although they are really effective, hashtags can make your posts sometimes look cluttered and crowded when the immediately follow the text. Since the main focus of the post is to show followers your images, insert break lines for hashtags in your text. When you place break lines in, you place hashtags below the text, which inserts a “read more” tag on the end of the correct character count.

The break lines serve a few purposes for you. On the one hand, they eliminate the clutter from your posts and allow you to include as many hashtags are you desire to reach larger audiences. Also, break lines encourage your followers to click into your post to read more of your text. The “read more” tag invites them to see the text in its entirety, which means they are more invested in what you have to say and will be more likely to interact with the rest of your account.

How can you quickly add break lines and hide hashtags in your text? Take a look at this post to find out.

Instagram is one of the best ways for you to capture the attention of ideal clients, allow them to get to know you and your brand, and encourage them to book you as their photographer. Utilizing your Instagram business account can be a huge boost to your wedding inquiries throughout the year. How else can you use Instagram to benefit you and your business? Our Instagram for the Wedding Photographer Guide shares helpful tips and tricks from some industry pros who are taking the platform by storm. Click the banner below to grab your copy today!

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