
The Secret to Happy Clients after the Wedding Day


What’s the real secret to happy clients after the wedding day? Is it excellent service throughout the process, every important memory documented during the wedding day, or timely deliverables? In truth, all of those aspects combined create happy clients. But, there is one thing in particular that sets the tone for the entire experience. We’ll get to that in a minute, but first let’s talk about the client’s lifecycle.

Even before a couple becomes a potential client, their experience with you begins. Think about it this way: an engaged (or nearly engaged) couple sees a wedding image you shot in the past on social media. Maybe they intentionally searched for it, or they saw it on a friend’s feed. This is the first impression they receive of you (unless they see your website first). If you match their vision for their wedding day, they reach out to you (most likely through email). You then talk briefly on the phone and set up a client meeting.

During their initial meeting with you, you can take steps to make sure you have happy clients after the wedding. So, what is the secret to happy clients? Delivering fewer images to them and managing their expectations about this throughout the entire process. Here are a few steps to help you manage their expectations from the beginning of their lifecycle with you.

Discuss in Person

When you first sit down with your client after the initial inquiry, discuss image count with them. This is the second place to manage their expectations. As you review the pricing options, as well as the products and services, discuss the number of images. Inform them that these numbers are ideal, and they will get everything they want from the wedding day shoot.


The client meeting is the perfect time to discuss any concerns or misconceptions they may have about how many images they should receive. Let them know when you deliver a specific amount of images, you ensure they have the best moments from the entire day. You will eliminate client concerns from the beginning, and will set expectations in person. Clear expectations create happy clients.

Related: The Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Photographer Contracts – get the free guide NOW!

Focus on the Benefits

When you discuss the image count with your clients, inform them of the benefits of receiving fewer images after the wedding day. Not only do they get the best photos of the day, but they also will have an easier time choosing photos for their album and wall art. Mention how the selection process for an album or wall art will be much simpler when there are less images to choose from. If there are too many images for them to look at, they may become overwhelmed.

The frustration and overwhelming feeling makes them feel less happy, and it takes more time for them to get their images and products back from you. Discuss the benefits of looking at fewer images, making quick decisions, and receiving their wedding photos shortly after the wedding day. As you discuss the benefits of this, you can then switch the conversation more naturally to additional product sales for your clients.[ninja-inline id=14322]

Related: How many images do your clients really want?

Reiterate in the Contract

As you finalize the details in your wedding photography contract, it can be helpful to include the image count to ensure both you and your couple are on the same page. When you include items in your contract that are clear and concise, and review them with your clients, it eliminates any potential frustrations or miscommunications. To keep your clients happy during and after the wedding day, make it clear in your contract that they will receive a certain amount of images.

Why is it important to deliver fewer images? Because that’s what clients really want, even if they don’t realize it. What are the benefits of delivering fewer images for you?

  • Faster turnaround time. Just like a wedding photography post production company like ShootDotEdit is known for a fast delivery time, you can build the reputation that you deliver images quickly after the wedding day.
  • More quality photos. Instead of sending your clients every photo from the day, you have the ability to send them the best images from their wedding.
  • Happy clients! When you deliver fewer images, your clients have less options and less headaches. They will appreciate the stunning photos you sent them from their day, and will be more likely to refer you because they are so happy with you.

When you manage client expectations, delivering fewer images is simple. And, when you manage expectations and deliver fewer, more stunning photos, you create happy clients after the wedding day. And, what do happy clients do? Refer you to their family and friends! Take a look at our 127 Essential Wedding Images You Must Capture Guide to find out which images your clients will love, so the entire process can be positive for them!



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