
Does SEO Even Matter for Your Social Media Reach?


Social media is one of the top ways for you to attract and book ideal clients. From Instagram, to Facebook, to Twitter, to Pinterest, and more, you have plenty of platforms to use. One of the main objectives of social media is to attract ideal clients back to your website and blog. To ensure your website and blog receive traction, you must have a social media strategy which expands your reach on each platform.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves strategies which increase the visitors to your website and blog through search engines. You may be wondering how SEO and social media connect, and if SEO really matters to your overall reach. The answer is that it does! Social media is one of the most effective ways to help build and strengthen your web of links back to your website.

In today’s interconnected world, by linking all of your social media profiles, you will start to see all of them come up higher in the rankings. In our SEO Guide, we share ways for you to incorporate links into your platforms to expand your overall reach and get ranked by major search engines, such as Google. Here are a few strategies to help you build links for SEO on your social media platform, so you can expand your reach.

Build Links for SEO

The best place to start building links is in editing your social media profiles. Every social media entity that you belong to, active or not, should point back to your site: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.


Search engines see links from popular websites like Facebook and recognize them as adding credibility to your site. You can equate it to having a good set of references. It is your own online resume, and it will help raise your page higher in the rankings. When your social media platforms rank on search engines, you expand your reach to a larger audience and find success in referring them to your website and blog.

Related: Are you making these 4 critical mistakes in SEO?

Add Links to Other Platforms

Not only do you want to link your social platforms back to your site, but they also should interlink to one another. For example, your Instagram should link back to your website, as well as to your Facebook. Interlinking your social media allows the different platforms to talk to one another.

This helps you expand your reach on social media and send traffic back to your website. On Instagram, share about your past wedding shoots and upcoming events with a call-to-action to your blog, where the rest of the images are. On Facebook and Twitter, share images which have links to your blog, but also encourage people to follow you on your other social platforms. Because your social media strategy should allow you to post slightly different resources and images on each platform, you can easily add a link to your other social networks.

Related: How can you expand your reach on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest?

Share Blog Posts Regularly

Blog posts are another great way to add in links for SEO to help you rank on search engines. When you write your regular and consistent blog posts, make sure to share them. Plan out your sharing, incorporate them into your marketing plan, and share posts more than just once. Feel free to recycle content by sharing the same posts in different ways or on different social media platforms, and monitor what elicits the most traffic.[ninja-inline id=14322]

Tip: Don’t forget to place keywords on your images to help them also rank on search engines. When you receive your images back from a wedding photography post production company, place the keyword in the alt tag when you place them in your blog posts and your website.

“Social networks are a terrifi­c window into human behavior; you can judge what a niche responds to and market to it more effectively by watching for trends and interacting with influential people in the network” —Debra Mastaler, President, Alliance-Link

Manage Social through Programs

Consider incorporating programs to help keep your social media organized. There are useful apps and programs that will help to manage how your sites link back to one another:

  • IFTTT is an online service that links your networks and allows you to create “recipes.” These recipes are rules you create that allow different actions to occur between your different social networks. So if you post on Twitter, it will cross post to Facebook.
  • HootSuite is a social media management system for businesses that allows you to execute campaigns across multiple social networks from one secure dashboard.
  • Buffer allows you to write posts and then schedule them to be posted throughout the day or week. It makes it easier for you to have a social presence without being chained to a computer. It also provides comprehensive analytics of the traffic your links receive.
  • CoSchedule is a WordPress plugin that allows you to schedule all your social media in a calendar format without leaving your WordPress dashboard.

SEO does really matter for your social media reach, and social media helps encourage visits to your website and blog. Discover additional ways SEO can skyrocket your reach and more with our free Guide, SEO for Photographers: 8 Pro Photographer Sucess Stories! In our guide, created in collaboration with PhotoBiz, we reached out to 8 photo industry leaders to find out how SEO empowered their photography businesses. Read through their success stories to learn more!

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