Archives for 2016

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4 Quick Tips to Booking Destination Weddings


As a wedding photographer, do you have a specialty which is recognizable to your ideal clients? Your specialty can range from shooting indoor or outdoor weddings, or specific scenarios you prefer to work in. A bride and groom looking for a wedding photographer most likely have an idea of where they would like their wedding day to take place. If you shoot only locally, your ideal clients will hire you to shoot in your current location. If you prefer to shoot outside of your area, you are a destination wedding photographer who has a wider range of clients to reach out to.

Booking destination weddings gives you the opportunity to travel, meet new people from different parts of the world, and photograph beautiful images of unique locations for your couples. Since the booking process differs slightly based on the fact that you may shoot in a different location for every single wedding, we wanted to share 4 quick tips with you to speed up the process.

1. Target Your Market on Facebook

When a couple searches for a wedding photographer, one of the places they look to find out more about you is social media, specifically Facebook. Since your Facebook page should reflect your brand (who you are as a photographer and business owner), the message you send clients should be one that is trustworthy. After all, couples looking for a destination wedding photographer may not be anywhere near you to meet you in person. Your Facebook page should send clients a message which assists them in trusting you for their big day.


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Instagram for the Wedding Photographer Guide


With 400 million active users every month, Instagram is an ideal social media platform for you to share your images. Although your presence is necessary on Instagram, finding followers who represent qualities of your ideal clients can be challenging and time-consuming. In our guide, we’ll share how you can create a cohesive Instagram strategy to quickly find and attract followers who are perfect for you.

Instagram for the Wedding Photographer



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8 (Non-Wedding) Photographers to Follow for Inspiration


When you are interested in bettering yourself as a wedding photographer, what do you do to find inspiration? Following your fellow photographers on social media and checking out their websites is great to discover ways to shoot and create dynamic photos. Although there are many wedding photographers who are talented and produce beautiful images, there are other photographers outside of the wedding industry who have creative shooting styles you can use to gain additional inspiration. So you can continue improving and making changes to the way you shoot, pose, and light your photos, heres 8 (non-wedding) photographers you need to start following today for inspiration.

1. Drew Hopper

Fine art, travel, and landscape photographer Drew Hopper, showcases gorgeous photos from around the world on his website. His images are creative and tell stories of exactly what he is shooting at the moment. Use Drews images to inspire you to take chances when you choose locations and backgrounds to shoot your couples and their wedding party. Even in the most challenging situations, your shooting skills should help you create the photos your clients will love.

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Stay Inspired: Pushing Past Fears and Conquering Challenging Situations


Have you ever noticed it seems that every professional photographer’s career is marked by one moment when they are faced with a life changing decision? This is a moment when the culmination of all the hard work is compressed into a single tick of the clock. While only a single passing of the second hand, a deep breath, a click of the shutter, a step forward, it is at the same time the culmination of an arduous affair of life’s work compacted into that quick blink of an eye.

Photographer Sarah Zimmer recently experienced this slowing of the earth when she stepped onto the media riser—under the gaze of a sea of eyes—to shoot the first wedding of 2016 in Times Square, on New Year’s Eve. “How exactly had I arrived at this moment?” She confessed asking herself. “And, had my 8 years of experience as a wedding photographer been enough preparation for me to survive it?” Here is the journey Sarah took to place herself at the first wedding of the year in New York City.

Landing the Opportunity

A few months earlier, during a quick trip up to San Francisco for a wedding, Sarah stopped by for a cup of coffee with her father—famed entrepreneur and spokesperson, George Zimmer. In the midst of heated discussions about the evolving SF Niner’s season and the amazing homemade matzah ball soup for dinner, her dad commented about a little “wedding thing” his new company—Generation Tux—was hosting in New York over the holidays. Intrigued, Sarah pushed for details. A contest? For newly engaged couples? To get married in New York City? In times Square? On New Year’s Eve? UNDER THE BALL DROP?!

“Dad! Sounds like you need a wedding photographer!” Sarah smiled across the kitchen table.


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3 Steps to Kickstart your Blog


Here at ShootDotEdit, we spend a lot of time covering tips to effectively upgrade and maintain your blog. From plugins to use, naming conventions to try, and how to use a blog calendar, we’ve covered topics which can help you fully maximize your blog.

In our Secrets to Blogging for the Savvy Photographer WebinarJeff and Erin Youngren, discuss steps to creating an effective blog. Since blogging is so important for your business, we’re going to break down the steps into three separate posts. Today, we want to discuss being strategic with your blog. Here are 3 steps to kickstart your blog through a well-planned strategy.

1. Focus on ROH

In business, you have probably heard about ROI (Return of Interest), which directly benefits you as the owner. When you have a high ROI, the work you put in increases your overall profit. Instead of focusing on ROI for your blog posts, Jeff and Erin suggest focusing on ROH (Return of Happiness). Since many consumers base their purchasing decisions on how they feel about a product or business, strategically creating content your ideal clients enjoy is key to mastering ROH.

“True marketing is where your client’s picture of happiness and services intersect.” – Brian Clark of Copyblogger


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8 Secrets to Shooting Stellar Portraits in the Snow


When you shoot the wedding day for your couple, it is not always easy to know exactly what the weather will be like. Depending on where your target market is, you could shoot one wedding in the sun and the next in the rain or snow. Knowing how to shoot in any weather condition is key to growing as a photographer and booking clients who are perfect for you.

Shooting in the snow can be an opportunity for you to capture unique and gorgeous photos. But, what happens when a shoot in the snow does not turn out as planned? Learning the best ways to handle this type of shoot can help you document every important moment, regardless of the weather conditions. So you can get started shooting in the snow today, here are 8 secrets to shooting stellar portraits in the snow.

1. Arrive with a Plan

Even if you are a photographer who is a comfortable shooting in colder weather, arriving at the shoot with a cohesive plan can help make your time move quickly. The same can be said for your couple; they may be used to the winter weather and snow, but probably never had to stand still, smile, and pose for the camera during those type of conditions. If it is an engagement session, the bride and groom can be more bundled than usual, but their faces will still be exposed to the cold for a period of time. On the wedding day, the bride is wearing her dress which is light and not proper attire for the cold. She will probably not have too much to cover her since a jacket will take away from the details of her dress. Avoid any discomfort for you and your couple by planning out the engagement session or wedding shoot.


Image Compliments of Jason and Gina Grubb


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8 Ways to Constructively Critique your Images


With every year that passes, the wedding photography industry changes and it becomes necessary for you to improve or optimize your shooting techniques. One of the best ways to do this is to take images from the past year and critique each and every one based on their technical, emotional, and storytelling qualities. You are your harshest critic, and with proper instruction on how to make productive critiques to your photos, you have the ability to advance your skills for the next wedding season. So you can grow more as a photographer this year, we’ve put together 8 ways to constructively critique your images.

1. Analyze Lighting

In photography, lighting can be challenging to master. Looking at your images from last year should include paying attention to how you used the light. Did you work with the natural lighting or was off-camera lighting necessary to overcome the harsh lighting? Also check to see if you utilized the best type of light for the situation you were in. Analyze all of the images which utilize your lighting skills; were there hot spots on certain areas of the photo which took your attention away from the bride and groom? The light should draw your attention to a certain part of the image, so you want to make sure you were intentional with how the light was used.


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3 Essentials for Capturing Sun Flare


When you are shooting the bride and groom during their engagement session or wedding day, what lighting techniques are you comfortable using? Because there are always various lighting scenarios you may find yourself in throughout a shoot, understanding exactly how to deal with each situation assists you in becoming comfortable shooting through any light. Whether you consider yourself a natural light photographer or you enjoy using off-camera lighting, expanding your knowledge of lighting ensures you can work in any location, with any type of lighting.

When the sun is shining bright during the day, take the opportunity to look for sun flare. Sun flare occurs when the light scatters before it hits your camera, providing streaks of unique lighting for your photos. When you properly shoot for sun flare, you create an artistic look for your couple during their wedding shoots. So you can include sun flare on your next sunny day shoot, here are 3 essentials to capturing it for your images.

1. Use Backlighting Techniques

Because sun flare is available throughout the day, unless it is cloudy, position your couple in front of the light source. Placing the bride and groom between your camera and the sun flare uses similar techniques to backlighting. When the sun is behind your couple, it creates a flattering light for them and brightens the photo. Since sun flare is scattered light, it assists in developing a diverse look to highlight the details of your couple (and flatters their faces). In order to really get the light on your couples, you need to use a reflector. Because you are backlighting them, there is going to be more light in the background rather than on their faces.


Image Compliments of Jason and Gina Grubb


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3 Plugins your Blog Needs to Jumpstart Social Sharing


When you shoot an engagement session or a wedding, you work your hardest to capture the important moments of the wedding day. After you receive your images back from a photography editing service, you should be sharing them on your blog (which many times is used with WordPress). Your blog is a necessary aspect of your business that helps you connect with your target audience. A blog post typically contains your past engagements and wedding shoots, as well as a narrative to make the story come alive for your followers. The more your content is shared with your ideal clients, the easier it can become to reach couples who are perfect for you. But, as a busy wedding photographer, it can be difficult to spend all of your time-sharing content with your followers (and trying to reach new ones). For you to optimize your blog and reach new audiences, you must encourage your past, current, and future clients to share your content on social media.

Because people who read your blog are also busy with their work and personal lives, encouraging social sharing needs to be an easy process. If there are too many complicated steps involved, readers will be less likely to share your work with their family and friends. Plugins are available for you to feature within your blog posts and are easy for readers to click on and share. Here are 3 plugins your blog needs to jumpstart social sharing (and help you meet more couples!).

1. Mashshare

Throughout the Internet, there are thousands of other photographers who offer content to their target market. Those photographers also want readers of their blog to share on social media so they can reach larger audiences. How can you make your social sharing experience more enticing for your blog readers so they choose to share your content over others? Mashshare is a quick and easy plugin to help encourage your blog readers to share your content.

Related: Do you use contests to skyrocket your reach on social media?

Specifically, Mashshare allows you to place visually pleasing social share buttons on your blog. Whether you use multiple social platforms, or only a few, Mashshare provides social share buttons that live on the top and bottom of one particular blog post. When a reader on your blog post clicks on a social share button, there will be text already included based on the social platform. Another great feature of this plugin is it shows you how many people have shared the blog post. Most readers want to be a part of something which is popular, so showing the share count on your blog may encourage them to stay on the page a bit longer.


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How to Create Click-Worthy Blog Titles


As you begin creating content and a title for your blog, take a moment to place yourself in your ideal client’s shoes. Start by thinking about what you would first do to search for a wedding photographer. When you type “wedding photographer” into Google’s search, how many websites and blogs appear? For brides and grooms looking for a photographer, having hundreds of pages filled with options can become overwhelming. Instead of searching through every photographer who appeared, they will focus on the first page of results.

Also think about what happens when your blog is shared on your social media networks. If your content is filtered in along with every other similar photographer, what will make your current and potential clients click to read more? Your blog title is key to achieving clicks on both search engines and social media. Although it can be simple to create a blog title which describes exactly what is included (such as Tracy and Joe – July 5, 2015), clients who are looking for something specific may be turned off from clicking.

Creating click-worthy blog titles to share with your ideal clients can help you reach out and share your work more easily. When a title appeals to what a couple needs to know for their wedding day, they will be more likely to click and read through your content. Here are a few tips to help you create click-worthy blog titles to get you started on your new blog post naming conventions.

Create Curiosity

From choosing a photographer, a venue, and all of the other important details of their day, wedding planning can be stressful for the bride and groom. Even brides who have a specific vision for their day can run into roadblocks during the process. In addition to featuring your past weddings on your blog, start creating content which caters to the difficulties couples may face.


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