
3 Steps to Kickstart your Blog


Here at ShootDotEdit, we spend a lot of time covering tips to effectively upgrade and maintain your blog. From plugins to use, naming conventions to try, and how to use a blog calendar, we’ve covered topics which can help you fully maximize your blog.

In our Secrets to Blogging for the Savvy Photographer WebinarJeff and Erin Youngren, discuss steps to creating an effective blog. Since blogging is so important for your business, we’re going to break down the steps into three separate posts. Today, we want to discuss being strategic with your blog. Here are 3 steps to kickstart your blog through a well-planned strategy.

1. Focus on ROH

In business, you have probably heard about ROI (Return of Interest), which directly benefits you as the owner. When you have a high ROI, the work you put in increases your overall profit. Instead of focusing on ROI for your blog posts, Jeff and Erin suggest focusing on ROH (Return of Happiness). Since many consumers base their purchasing decisions on how they feel about a product or business, strategically creating content your ideal clients enjoy is key to mastering ROH.

“True marketing is where your client’s picture of happiness and services intersect.” – Brian Clark of Copyblogger

2. Incorporate your Personality

When you create a blog post, simply placing your images there can attract some ideal clients. But, when you add your voice, your personality, into the blog post with the images you shot at a past event, you connect with your clients. Be strategic about how you write and what you write about in your posts. Make your clients fall in love with you and what you do as a wedding photographer through your writing on your blog posts.[ninja-inline id=14322]

Related: Have you discovered the secret to truly effective marketing?

3. Show a Few Examples

As you build your content on your blog, and incorporate what your ideal clients want to see, think about what products or services you provide which can be beneficial to your clients during the wedding planning process (or even after). If you offer custom albums for your clients, include that into your blog posts and link out to the product page. Also, any services you offer (such as consulting or tutorials) can be placed into your posts to entice your ideal clients to click on the link and see what else you have to offer.

Related: Don’t miss these 5 quick steps to attracting new readers to your blog

Although shooting and creating beautiful photos is one of your most important jobs as a photographer, sharing your work with your clients (past, present, and potential) on your blog helps you reach a larger audience. Booking additional weddings helps increase your profit and grow, meaning you can take on more projects each year. Learn additional ways to grow your business when you download our How to Grow Your Wedding Photography Business Guide!


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