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Handling Late Payments As A Wedding Photographer

Handling Late Payments As A Wedding Photographer

As a wedding photography business owner, chasing late payments is one of the most uncomfortable spots to be in. Whether your client has simply missed the payment due date or had an issue making the payment, being in this situation could be tricky to navigate. While we understand that this is a scenario best avoided, chances are that you might still find yourself in this situation once in a while. In this blog, we offer a few tips that could help you in tackling such awkward situations.

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Fitness Tips For Photographers: Wedding Photographers Edition

Fitness Tips For Photographers: Wedding Photographers Edition

As a wedding photographer with a few (or several) years of experience, you probably already know how physically demanding the 8-10-12-hour workdays can get. You are on your feet for long hours, moving around the venue to get those perfect shots (often with heavy gear), and essentially, your body works as hard as you to support you. By fitness tips for photographers, we don’t mean go out and enroll yourself in a spin class or start working on those 6-pack abs (unless that’s what you want). It’s more about being mindful about what you eat and how you move, especially on the wedding day. Just small lifestyle changes that you could turn into a habit and stick to on a long-term basis. In this blog, we will tell you exactly how you could get to being a fitter, stronger version of yourself!

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How To Take Good Pictures In Bright Sunlight

How To Take Good Pictures In Bright Sunlight

As a wedding photographer, you can control your camera angle, the setup, the framing, but you cannot always control how the day runs. With your day packed with your couple’s getting-ready photo session, the bridal portraits, and the first-look shots, more often than not, the family portraits are pushed to noon. And before you know it, you’re photographing in harsh sunlight, especially if you are at an outdoor wedding venue. Since you don’t always have the luxury to wait for the ideal lighting to perfectly complement your images, this is a situation you could find yourself in quite often. If you are wondering what the right thing to do in such circumstances could be, this blog gives you a few tips on how to make the most of what you have and take good pictures in bright sunlight. So let’s get started!

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Photography Angles & Techniques: Understanding POV, Framing, & Composition

Photography Angles & Techniques: Understanding POV, Framing, & Composition

In the words of Ansel Adams, “A good photograph is knowing where to stand.” And we couldn’t agree more! You can envision a scene from a hundred different angles, but it’s figuring out which one works best for a particular image that makes all the difference. You don’t always need a great location to get a stunning photograph. What matters the most is how well you frame a scene and make the most of what’s available before you. And one thing that can render a creative touch to your images even when options are limited is trying out different photography angles. Such angles help you rethink a scene from a different point of view. Think unique, think creative. Moreover, they allow you to lay out a scene in such a way that your point of view is deftly conveyed to the viewer. This blog breaks down the different photography angles and techniques, talks about the effects they create, and discusses the techniques that could help you perfect them.

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Tutorial: Easy Steps To Change Aspect Ratio In Lightroom

Tutorial: Easy Steps To Change Aspect Ratio In Lightroom

As a wedding photographer, you frequently share images with colleagues or clients online. But what if the images you share digitally get distorted due to randomly cropped borders? Or uneven edges appear where there were none? If these scenarios sound familiar to you, then chances are you’re probably facing issues with image aspect ratio. We understand that disproportionate borders ruining your images could get really frustrating for you and probably for your clients too. And that is where aspect ratio comes into play. Determining it in Lightroom will not only fix the size of your photo crop but also ensure you get proportional borders while printing, framing, or formatting your images for uploading them on social media or sharing them online. You can even change the aspect ratio of your image using the available image proportions or creating your own presets. In this Lightroom tutorial, we take you through the process of fixing the aspect ratio of your image in a few easy steps. 

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Sprout Studio: The Photography Studio Management Suite That Does It All

A collage of an infographic stating a quote from Bryan Caporicci, Sprout Studio's founder, and a thumbnail of him on the right side

“You can do it all with Sprout Studio. Heck, if it did any more, you’d have to put it on payroll.” This is a quote we borrowed from the company itself but there is really no better way to introduce Sprout Studio – a studio management suite built for photographers by photographers. In our new Vendor Spotlight interview, we spoke to Bryan Caporicci, CEO and Founder of Sprout Studio, who got the idea to start his company to scratch his own itch. His aim? To help photographers make a living doing what they love. Sprout Studio helps you build your photography business with a consistent brand, manage your photography business with great client communications, and helps you know what to focus on while streamlining everyday tasks to free up your time to do more important things. From automated emails and calendar sync to contact forms and invoices – with Sprout Studio, you can manage all this and a lot more. And from what we’ve gathered by talking to other vendors and photographers, including ShootDotEdit customers, a more streamlined workflow usually means being more efficient, which means more time to be able to give your clients your 100%! 

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Marketing To Millennials: Dos and Don’ts For Wedding Photographers

Marketing To Millennials: Dos and Don'ts For Wedding Photographers

In pop culture, the millennials have been held responsible for the death of A LOT of things. Golf, soap bars, relationships, the 9-5 workday – you name it, and according to someone somewhere, millennials probably killed it. And when it comes to wedding photography, some wedding photographers sometimes develop this mindset that it’s probably the millennials that are to be blamed for their struggles or for their low sales. But the reality is that it’s most likely the wedding photographer who forgot to evolve with time and changing preferences and values. It’s true; catering to millennials might mean that you might have to make some tweaks and modifications in your marketing strategies and workflow. But can you imagine the doors you’d open once you make your business appealing to a millennial? So if you are in that phase of your career where you are thinking – “Nobody’s booking me. Nobody’s buying albums. And it’s all because of the millennials” – in this blog, we offer some marketing to millennials tips that could help you add them to your clientele. 

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Putting Into Perspective: What Makes a Good Photograph?

Putting Into Perspective: What Makes a Good Photograph?

A breathtaking photograph has the power to evoke a plethora of emotions. But what makes a good photograph? Is it the lighting, the composition, a high-end camera, or the subject and the feelings it conveys? Or is it the photographer who deftly weaves all these elements to create a masterpiece? To put it lucidly, all these elements equally contribute to making a good photograph. However, what is perceived as a great image is often subjective. Else, all great images would look the same. Instead, most of them differ in style; some even defy all the set rules. Then again, we agree with what iconic painter Pablo Picasso once said, “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” In today’s blog, we venture into answering one of the most basic yet visibly complex questions in photography – what really makes a good photograph? 

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Wedding Photography Props to Create Stellar Photos

Wedding Photography Props to Create Stellar Photos

Throw in a few creative photography props against an interesting backdrop, and you already have an incredible combination to create stellar wedding photos! Props and accessories let your couples add a personal touch to their wedding photographs. Used creatively, these decorative pieces make posing more fun and participatory for your couples (and their guests too). Even if the backdrops are sometimes plain and drab, colorful and creatively designed photography props can add a little drama and character to your images in the blink of an eye – or in the blink of a flash, in this case! Props can also be masterfully used in photographs to tell a story or simply give the images a quirky spin. Go ahead and suggest some amazing photography props to your couples and help them create some unique, unforgettable images from the list we’ve shared here.

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How to Make an Image Black and White in Lightroom

How to Make an Image Black and White in Lightroom

Think of black and white images, and you immediately think of the timeless appeal they hold. What is it about these monochrome photographs that have such a classic resonance? The answer lies in the depth of black and white photos that evokes a sense of mystery and drama all at once. And as a photographer, you can opt to create stellar black and white images both during the production phase as well as the post-production stage. If you choose to do the latter, this blog is for you! In this Lightroom tutorial, we will talk about the many ways you can make images black and white. So let’s get started!

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