
Who’s Doing it Right on Pinterest


One of the best parts of being a wedding photographer is having the ability to capture beautiful and unique moments. Once you shoot the wedding and have your images edited by a photo editing company, what steps to do you take to share your work? With 72.8 million users and counting, Pinterest is becoming one of the top social media marketing platforms for wedding photographers to use.

Denver, Colorado photography duo Jason and Gina Grubb use Pinterest to share their wedding images to reach clients that are part of their target market. Not only does their Pinterest business page have 1.5K followers (and growing!), Jason and Gina have a strategic approach on how they use their content to attract ideal clients. Here are a few tips to help you create a Pinterest page that reflects your brand and attracts the clients you want to work with.


Expand Your Reach

As a wedding photographer, it is important for you to get in front of as many potential clients as possible with your images. According to Jason, 81% of all Pinterest users are women who are likely looking at boards while planning their wedding. When a user reaches one of your images, they get to discover who you are as a photographer. Jason and Gina understand that the more images they place on Pinterest, the larger audience they will reach.

It is also necessary to maintain who you are as a photographer when you post images. Even though you have the ability to reach brides from around the world, you should still have a strategic plan for brides in your target market. Since Jason and Gina are outdoor wedding photographers, their marketing plan includes sharing images for brides who are looking for that type of environment. After they share the best of their outdoor wedding photography, Pinterest assists Jason and Gina in reaching a larger audience that is interested in that type of wedding photography. Since Pinterest gives credit to the photographer who took the image, users can simply click on the couple’s Pinterest page and see the rest of their work. From there, they have each image linked to their website, where followers can access the rest of the wedding shoot (and continue to browse around the site!).

Share Your Best Images to Attract Clients

When using Pinterest, it is important for you to post your images to reach ideal clients. The higher quality of the images, the more likely it is that people will want to work with you. Unlike other social media platforms that require you to interact with your followers, your images are doing the majority of the work on Pinterest. When your followers see your images, that is what sells you as a wedding photographer.

Related: How do you share images with vendors to gain new clients?

Jason and Gina know they can post many images on their Pinterest page, but understand they still should be selective in what images appear first. When selecting images to post on Pinterest, make sure you choose the best from each engagement and wedding shoot. Remember, these images represent what you want potential clients to know about you as a photographer.

Use Boards to Match Your Brand

Pinterest allows you to categorize your images into boards, allowing your followers to easily find the types of images they are looking for. When you create individual boards, brides can access the images to learn more about you and your Signature Style. Jason and Gina organize their boards by location or type of event, which makes it easy for couples to look through the images and learn about Jason and Gina’s shooting style. Their boards range from, “Engagements” to “Colorado | Jason+Gina” to “Aspen.” They also include a few personal boards, such as “Jason+Gina” and “Pups”. By doing this, people can further connect with Jason and Gina and get to know them on a more personal level.

Add Keywords to Images

Pinterest is a great platform for photographers to share their images on, and it is important to utilize keywords to expand your reach. When Jason and Gina post images, they include a detailed description of what is in the image. Not only does this help brides search for them, this also assists Jason and Gina in ranking higher on Google with their images. In one of their outdoor wedding shoots, Jason and Gina added a phrase to their image that described exactly where they were and what they were shooting:

“Engagement Session while skiing with a dog in Keystone Colorado”

Along with adding specific keywords to your images, you can also add hashtags that are popular with your target market on Pinterest. For example, Jason and Gina use #engagement, #aspen, and #autumn on their images because those are keywords their ideal bride is searching for. When a bride is looking for a photographer and knows exactly what type of wedding they want to have, hashtags and keywords assist in leading her to Jason and Gina’s photography business.

Related: Do you have two minutes to improve your SEO strategy?

In addition to what is working on Jason and Gina’s Pinterest account, here are a few quick tips they use:

  • Link back to your website or blog in every image. This helps bring potential clients to more of your work, which will assist in their decision to choose you as a wedding photographer.
  • Tag vendors and clients in images where they are featured. The more you do this, the larger audience you are in front of at once.
  • Add a “Pin It” button to each image on your website and blog. This allows your followers to pin your images, which means their followers will see your work.

Pinterest is a great resource for photographers to use to meet new clients, so be sure you are creating your Pinterest business page as soon as you can! Learn more about attracting ideal clients to your social media pages with our Comprehensive Guide to Social Media for Wedding Photographers!



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