Wedding Lighting

Fast 5: Unique Couples Photography at Any Location

Unique Couples Photography at Any Location

ShootDotEdit’s Fast Five — 5 useful quick tips you can apply to your photography business right now!

As a wedding photographer, you’ve probably Googled ‘best photo location near me’ many times when looking for unique backgrounds for your couples. It can be a challenge — finding the perfect spot. It’s also a challenge finding the perfect spots you haven’t already used for other clients…

You don’t want to fill your portfolio with different couples all in the same poses at the same locations. Plus, your clients often want shots that are unique to them and their love. So how do you find those new and amazing photo locations (or use familiar spots in new and exciting ways)?

Find out in this week’s Fast 5! 

Let’s get to it!

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You probably have picked up some awesome lighting techniques along your journey as a wedding photographer. And you know that lighting can be liberating OR one the most challenging aspects you face. Every shoot you encounter is different and each requires you to have a vast knowledge of photography lighting techniques (and how to properly use them) to nail the session every time.

We reached out to wedding photographer Mark Condon from Shotkit to discover his secrets to photography lighting techniques you can use for your upcoming shoots!

Check them out in this week’s Fast 5 on Lighting Techniques!

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Fast 5: Reception Lighting for Pro Wedding Photographers

Reception Lighting for Pro Wedding Photographers
Photo by Alistair Jones of @ideal_imaging_photography

When it comes to Reception Lighting for Pro Wedding Photographers, depending on the venue and time-of-day, sometimes all you need is an on-camera flash and maybe a couple off-camera as well. 

It can be tough to nail the lighting down just right, but to help you out, we’ve put together 5 quick tips to help you get the perfect light at your receptions — everytime.

And now – ShootDotEdit’s Fast Five — 5 useful quick tips you can apply to your photography business right now!

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Reception Lighting Tips for Photographers: 4 Scenarios to Practice

reception lighting

There are several lighting scenarios you can face during the wedding day. Some of those moments will provide you with challenging elements you need to overcome with specific lighting techniques. One of the most challenging parts of the wedding day to capture is the reception. This part of the wedding day is fast-paced and often features unfavorable reception lighting scenarios. When you are faced with difficult lighting scenarios, it can be valuable to learn how to overcome the issue and produce the best light possible for your images.

In her final post of the Wedding Lighting Master Class series, ShootDotEdit Wedding Pro, Leeann Marie, Wedding Photographers, shares reception lighting tips for photographers. She will share 4 wedding reception lighting setup scenarios you can practice. Keep reading to learn more.

leeann marie headshot

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Best Photography Lighting for Cold, Rainy, or Snowy Wedding Portraits

best photography lighting for cold, rainy, or snowy portraits

Depending on your location, and the time of year, there is a chance you will need to learn how to shoot in unfavorable weather. And since lighting photography is challenging enough without difficult weather, we reached out to a wedding pro to gain the best photography lighting tips to help you shoot in even the worst scenarios.

In her latest article with us, ShootDotEdit Pro, Leeann Marie, Wedding Photographers, has expert tips on how to create the best lighting for cold, rainy, and snowy wedding portraits. If you haven’t read the other 4 posts in this series, see them below:

1. Bridal Prep and Details
2. Family Formals
3. Wedding Party
4. Reception Details

leeann marie headshot

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Photography Lighting for Awesome Wedding Reception Details

photography lighting wedding reception details

As one of the last parts of the wedding day, the reception is one of the more challenging to shoot. With conflicting light and constant movement, it can often be difficult to quickly set up light and capture the best shots. How can you create light and document some of the most important details from the wedding reception? In her fourth post of her series, Leeann Marie, Wedding Photographers shares her photography lighting setups and tips to help you work quickly through this part of the day. Keep reading to discover Leeann’s suggestions for lighting wedding reception details.

Leeann Marie, Wedding Photographers Headshot


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Night Photography Tips: How to Shoot Outdoor Receptions

How to Shoot Outdoor Receptions at Night

Here at ShootDotEdit, we provide photo editing services for professional photographers. We also provide education for photographers and talk quite a bit about what many face during the wedding day shoot. From getting ready problems to wedding timelines falling behind, there are plenty of scenarios that arise. With any scenario you face, it’s important to be prepared and ready so you can capture the images that matter. Today, we want to focus on the last part of the wedding day and the challenges it can bring.


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2 Simple Photography Lighting Techniques for Wedding Photographers

2 Simple Photography Lighting Techniques

As a wedding photographer, lighting is one of the most challenging aspects you face. Every shoot you encounter differs, and it requires you to have a vast knowledge of photography lighting techniques and how to properly use them. We reached out to wedding photographer Mark Condon from Shotkit to discover his secrets to photography lighting techniques you can use for your upcoming shoots!

mark condon of shotkit


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4 Photography Lighting Techniques for the Wedding Party Portraits

Wedding parties, just like family formals, can be challenging to shoot, especially depending on how many people are involved, the scene where you are shooting, and the lighting conditions. Lighting, as many other parts of the wedding day, can be unpredictable on every shoot. In her third post of her Wedding Lighting Masterclass, ShootDotEdit Pro, Leeann Marie, Wedding Photographers will share her photography lighting techniques to help you shoot dynamic images quickly for the wedding party.

Leeann Marie, Wedding Photographers Headshot


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