Lightroom Tips

Tutorial: Easy Steps To Change Aspect Ratio In Lightroom

Tutorial: Easy Steps To Change Aspect Ratio In Lightroom

As a wedding photographer, you frequently share images with colleagues or clients online. But what if the images you share digitally get distorted due to randomly cropped borders? Or uneven edges appear where there were none? If these scenarios sound familiar to you, then chances are you’re probably facing issues with image aspect ratio. We understand that disproportionate borders ruining your images could get really frustrating for you and probably for your clients too. And that is where aspect ratio comes into play. Determining it in Lightroom will not only fix the size of your photo crop but also ensure you get proportional borders while printing, framing, or formatting your images for uploading them on social media or sharing them online. You can even change the aspect ratio of your image using the available image proportions or creating your own presets. In this Lightroom tutorial, we take you through the process of fixing the aspect ratio of your image in a few easy steps. 

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How to Make an Image Black and White in Lightroom

How to Make an Image Black and White in Lightroom

Think of black and white images, and you immediately think of the timeless appeal they hold. What is it about these monochrome photographs that have such a classic resonance? The answer lies in the depth of black and white photos that evokes a sense of mystery and drama all at once. And as a photographer, you can opt to create stellar black and white images both during the production phase as well as the post-production stage. If you choose to do the latter, this blog is for you! In this Lightroom tutorial, we will talk about the many ways you can make images black and white. So let’s get started!

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Lightroom Shortcuts Library: Keyboard Keys For Windows and Mac

Lightroom Shortcuts Library Keyboard Keys For Windows and Mac

Adobe Lightroom is a non-destructive photo editing software commonly used by photographers and editors during the post-processing phase. This software has multiple complex in-build features that help you gain more creative control over your edit. While using it could make your editing process easy, applying shortcuts could make your work even easier! Navigating through every function manually – especially when working on complicated edits or multiple projects – could get time-consuming and challenging. So to make the entire process more seamless, this blog brings a library of Lightroom shortcuts to refer to.

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How to Stack Photos in Lightroom

How to Stack Photos in Lightroom

There might be times when you might find yourself taking hundreds and thousands of images per assignment and sorting them out for post-production and after that could get time-consuming and challenging. While Lightroom does allow you to flag your images, rate them with the help of stars or color-code them while culling and editing, it’s not the only way you can manage your images in the software. Stacking photos in Lightroom is another way to group similar visuals and remove clutter from your work window. And in this blow, we show you how to do that.

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Lightroom Tutorial: How to Fix Bad Lighting

Lightroom Tutorial: How to Fix Bad Lighting

Photographing weddings could mean taking images in all sorts of venues and sometimes even venues with less than ideal lighting conditions. If you are shooting outdoors on a bright and sunny day, you may be able to balance out or fix bad lighting with off-camera lighting and reflectors. Low-light venues possess their own set of lighting challenges. But while you can only fix bad lighting in a venue to a certain point, Lightroom can help you with the rest of the modifications. You can save your images in the photo editing software by adjusting their highlights, shadow areas and correcting tints. In this blog, we show you how! 

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Tutorial: How to Remove Shadows in Lightroom

Tutorial: How to Remove Shadows in Lightroom

Have you ever wondered why some parts of your images look dark and shadowy even though you were shooting in bright light? This happens because light doesn’t hit all areas in your photo the same way, causing some parts to be darker than others, which then results in your images having a range of light and dark tones. However, these dark tones can be just shadows or blacks. The difference lies in the amount of brightness and details in them. Shadow areas might look dull, but there are details hidden under them, whereas in black areas, all details are lost. However, during post-production, you can retrieve any details hidden under shadows and also modify the contrast in your image. So if you want to know how to remove shadows in Lightroom and improve the quality of your pictures, this blog shows you how in 5 easy steps.

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How to Edit Sunset Photos in Lightroom

How to Edit Sunset Photos in Lightroom

During sunset, the light changes with every passing minute, requiring a constant change in settings and, as a result, making taking stunning sunset photos challenging. Imagine you are looking at a gorgeous sunset sky with beautiful hues of crimson, red, and purple – and you take out your camera to take a photo. But your camera setting couldn’t do justice to the scene. No worries, you can make it look as magical as it did to you in Lightroom. In this blog, we will show you how to edit sunset photos in Lightroom in ways that will make them as lively as it was in reality, and perhaps even more.

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How to Add Grain in Lightroom To Achieve a Film-Like Look

How to Add Grain in Lightroom To Achieve a Film-Like Look

In a world that has widely transitioned from film to digital, some traces of film still remain and are often recreated in post-production. And grain has always been one of those notable features that make a photograph stand out instantly. High-resolution digital images have dominated the industry, but there is something about the grainy textured film-like look that enhances the elements of nostalgia and romance. Therefore, photographers and filmmakers, nowadays, have been experimenting with film grain to add to the aesthetic appeal of an image or footage. However, the key to attaining the perfect look lies in using it right. So if you ever found yourself asking what is grain, when to add it, and how to add grain in Lightroom – this blog is here to help with an extensive overview and a step-by-step guide.

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How to Make Digital Photos Look Like Film in Lightroom

How to Make Digital Photos Look Like Film in Lightroom

With the introduction of digital photography in 1975, film photography rapidly transitioned towards digital, but its influence remains. The cinematic effect, the artistic element, the warm skin tones – whatever it is that draws you towards film-like photos, there’s a way to recreate it in post-production. How? Even if you find yourself moving away from the traditional aspects of film photography in this digitally dominated world, you can still attain the effect through Lightroom. So for all the film enthusiasts who want to learn how to make digital photos look like film, here’s how you can make that happen.

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How To Use The Tone Curve in Lightroom

How To Use The Tone Curve in Lightroom

Lightroom is a fantastic image editing software that offers you multiple ways to improve the quality of your photographs. With just some clicks and the help of Lightroom tools, you can make adjustments or changes to your images without ruining their original quality. One such tool that helps you turn your images into better versions of themselves is the Tone Curve tool. It is similar to the HSL Panel’s Luminance section, but instead of making changes to separate colors, the Tone Curve tool in Lightroom controls specific ranges of tones in your photos. Its main function? By adjusting the tone curve, you can change the colors in your wedding photos and make them brighter or darker. In this blog, we will take you through the purpose of this tool and how to use the Tone Curve in Lightroom while editing your wedding photos.

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