
12 Apple Shortcuts to Speed up Your Day


Here at ShootDotEdit, we know how much your workflow is affected by constant deadlines and piling tasks. Every day can be spent behind your computer if your workflow is not manageable. Since Apple products are popular within the photography community, you can incorporate shortcuts into your workflow to help you eliminate time spent on projects which may not necessarily help you grow. In the past, we’ve covered how to use Lightroom shortcuts and how you can use tools to help you speed up your workflow. So you can spend less of your time behind the computer, here are 12 Apple shortcuts we love to help you speed up your day. After you’re done reading, check out the entire list of Apple keyboard shortcuts here.

1. Copy and Paste

Much of the communication between you and your clients is done through email. Sometimes, you may keep client information in a separate document found on your computer. Using the keyboard shortcut Command + C quickly copies the text you want to move elsewhere, and Command + V allows you to immediately paste the text into the chosen document.

Tip: When you copy and paste text from an email or document and place it into a new format, the formatting or font may be different. Press Control + Command + V to paste the text in a notebook (such as TextEdit) and remove the formatting before placing it in a new document.

2. Switch Applications

When you are in the middle of a busy day of work on your computer, multiple programs are likely open at the same time. Rather than spending the time searching for a program you need at the moment, hold down “Command” and press “Tab” to display an icon of every open application on your computer. Select the program you need to work in by pressing Command + TAB until you land on the correct program.

3. Copy and Delete

If you are individually copying text and deleting it afterwards, you are still taking an extra step during your workflow. Save yourself time by using Command + X to copy the selected text, remove it, and then use your paste function to place it. This saves you time when you are copying something from one place to another with the intentions of deleting it from the first location.[ninja-inline id=14322]

4. Find Certain Words

Writing content for your clients can range in word count, especially if you create a lengthy guide to use during the planning process. If you need to go back and find a keyword or a name, it could take you too long to find them scanning through the text. When you press Command + F, a Find window appears and you can type the word or name to search for it.

Related: Don’t miss out on these quick fixes to improve your business

5. Create a New Tab

Switching between windows on your browser can leave you spending too much time finding the last page you accessed. Rather than using your mouse to access the “File” dropdown menu and then clicking to create a new tab, press Command + T to open a tab within the same browser. Clicking on tabs within one browser helps you keep everything in order while you work.

6. Save a Draft

Beginning to write content for your clients, such as blogs or newsletters, can be a tedious process. If you use Word to jot down your thoughts and to formalize your copy, saving your drafts periodically can become your best friend. Save time, and avoid using your mouse, by pressing Command + S to save your document.

Related: Does your content connect your past and current brides?

7. Close an Individual Tab

Tabs on your browser piling up can sometimes cause you a bit of confusion, especially if you are not using all of them for a particular project. While on a specific tab within your browser, hold down Command + W. This keyboard shortcut gives you the ability to close the individual tab you are currently working on. Use this shortcut to eliminate any unnecessary tabs which can cause a distraction for you.

8. Exit One Program

When your computer has too many applications or programs running at once, it can run much slower than it should. Using the keyboard shortcut to filter through your open programs, hold down Command + Q to immediately quit the program you do not need open. Because this saves you from accessing your mouse, you eliminate other steps.

9. Take a Screenshot

Browsing through other photography websites can give you inspiration for your upcoming shoots. If you see something which you can incorporate into your business, take a screenshot of it. By pressing Command + Shift + 4, you have control of what area of the screen you capture.

Tip: If you desire an entire photo of your screen taken automatically, press Command + Shift + 3.

10. Undo an Action

When deadlines near and you are working quickly, there are many times in which you may accidentally type the wrong words or paste text which does not belong. To immediately undo an action, press Command + Z. If you notice you do need the text you deleted, press Command + Shift + Z to redo the original command.

11. Force Quit Programs

If you are in the middle of working on projects for clients, and the application you are working in freezes, it could take countless minutes for it to return to normal. Instead of waiting for an issue which could take up more time than you have, press Command + Option + Esc to force quit the application. After the application is closed, your project can continue as normal.

12. Access Spotlight

Similar to many who spend multiple hours on their computer, you likely have hundreds to thousands and documents, files, and images stored. Even with an ideal naming structure, there is a chance you could duplicate a name (which could cause confusion when searching for it). Press Command + Space bar to access Spotlight, which opens a Finder window for your entire computer. Search for a keyword and anything you have stored with a similar name will appear.

Anything you can do to eliminate time from your workflow can help you stay on track, meaning you can get ahead on your tasks and start on new projects to help your increase your profit. Learn more about incorporating shortcuts into other parts of your workflow, including adding presets to your images after they are color corrected by a wedding photography editing company. Download The Wedding Photographer’s Guide to Using Presets today to get started!


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