
Stop Making Branding Mistakes: Solving Identity Crisis


Have you ever missed out on booking an ideal client because of a branding mistake in your business? Often times, branding mistakes occur unintentionally, and since making adjustments in your business can take time, it may be likely you have not had the opportunity to fix the issue.

In our Branding Guide, we cover 7 mistakes wedding photographers make in their photography business. The first mistake we highlight is suffering from an identity crisis. When you share too many conflicting details about who you are as a photographer, and what you specialize in, you risk sending a confusing message to clients. Because you are a unique photographer who has a specialty unlike anyone else, it is crucial to your success to identify what your specialty is so you can attract the right clients to your business.

Identify a Specialty

As a photographer, you may enjoy shooting other areas outside of wedding photography, which is a great opportunity to practice your skills. But, if you are sharing multiple types of photography on your website, you may cause confusion for clients searching for a wedding photographer. To solve this, identify the type of weddings you want to shoot and the type of clients you want to interact with.

If you enjoy shooting outdoor wedding photography, ensure your website showcases your passion and appeals to clients who are interested in an outdoor wedding. This allows you to attract clients who share your passion and you both can create a strong connection during your time together.  

Related: How can you share your brand message with your audience on Facebook?

Share the Specialty

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Once you know exactly what you want to specialize in, share it! Your ideal clients will have no idea you have a specialty unless you place it on your website, blog, and social media platforms. On your website, ensure you choose one type of photography to share to avoid confusion. If your specialty is destination wedding photography, the images on your homepage should be of past weddings which represent this.

Tip: Don’t forget to share your images after they have been color corrected by a post wedding photography editing company so clients can see your consistent style.

Create a Separate Website

If wedding photography is your main specialty, but you love shooting newborn portraits, create a separate website. Although this may be a costly option, if you are passionate about it, and have clients who are eager, it could be worth it. Share your wedding photography business website with your ideal bride and groom, and share your other websites for clients who fit it. This way, ideal clients for each business know where to find you and the services you provide. 

Related: Your website might be great – but does it have these 4 key elements?

When you know who you are as a wedding photographer, it creates less confusion for your clients. Continue to develop a clear brand message to build a strong and successful business. Discover additional issues in out Guide, 7 Branding Mistakes Wedding Photographers Make (and How to Fix Them)!



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