
Instagram’s New Algorithm: The 4 Things You Can’t Miss


Just when you think you have each social media platform mastered, the updates arrive! It can be a massive headache to learn a new process, especially after you spent so much time on it before the change. You may already know that Instagram has made an update, and it’s one you want to pay attention to so you can keep your followers engaged.

Your Instagram account is a great platform you for to use to stay connected with your followers, share your images that are color corrected by a wedding photography editing company, and book clients who are in need of a wedding photographer. Now, you just need to adjust your social plan to keep up with Instagram’s new algorithm! These are the 4 things you can’t miss regarding the update, and things to do so your account is not forgotten.


Image Compliments of ShootDotEdit Wedding Pros, Jason and Gina Grubb

1. Posts are not Chronological

Before the update, posts would appear on your followers’ feeds chronologically. Similar to the updates Facebook made, your posts on Instagram no longer solely appear based on the time they were posted. According to Instagram, users were missing 70% of posts shared when posted chronologically, which is one of the reasons for this major update. The new algorithm indicates your followers will see your posts based on the interaction they have with you. So, the more they like and comment on your posts, the more relevant you will be in their newsfeed. 


Related: Not sure what hashtags you should use on your Instagram posts?

2. Post Notifications Should be On

While your followers might already be aware that Instagram’s algorithm has changed, be sure to take the time to educate them on how they CAN stay up-to-date with your latest posts and not miss any. For them to see your latest posts, encourage them to interact more, along with Turning On Post Notifications. This is pretty simple to do – just have your followers click on the 3 Dots next to one of your posts, and from there, they can select to turn this function on. Share this suggestion through a blog post, email newsletter, or even via an Instagram post! This way, even if they do not interact much, they will still be able to see your images in their feed.

Related: How can you stay relevant and top of mind on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest? The Comprehensive Guide to Social Media For Wedding Photographers will help you master each platform!

3. Interaction Matters

In addition to encouraging your followers to Turn on Post Notifications, try to always choose the best photos from your engagement session or weddings to share! The caption you use should be compelling, making your followers want to interact and leave a comment. Your hashtags should also be photography-specific and catered to your brand, so users looking for a photographer can click on them.

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Additionally, tag your couple and vendors that were involved in the shoot to increase the number of people that see and potentially interact with the post. Not only do you want your followers to interact with you, but it is important that you also interact with their feeds! If they see you commenting and liking on their images, they are more likely to visit your profile to see what you have been sharing. This also encourages your current followers who might be inactive on your account to visit your page again!

4. Insights and Analytics are Helpful

Now, more than ever, insights and analytics are crucial to help maintain your Instagram account. With analytics, you can see the specifics of your current posting schedule. Review how many people interact with your posts and what the trends are for which posts are most popular. Use the data to maximize every post you make, and only post with a specific purpose. The more you understand about your followers and what they are interacting with, the more you can make strategic decisions that will positively impact your results on Instagram. 

Also, review when your followers are most active. Perhaps they are most active on Sunday morning before noon, but are inactive on Monday afternoon. These are important factors to consider, because with Instagram’s new algorithm, if your posts do not have interaction, they could be missed by a majority of your followers!

When you stay up to date with any changes that happen with your Instagram account, you can continue to build connections with your followers and book more weddings from your past photos. What else can you do with your Instagram account? Our Guide, Instagram for the Wedding Photographer is full of actionable items for you to work on today. Download it now!



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