
What Would You Do with More Free Time?


The roles you have in your business take up a majority of your time and energy. As you focus more on your business and its growth, you may realize the tasks pile up and you have less time to focus on optimizations or your personal life. Do you ever think about the things you would do with more free time? And, how can you get more free time for the things you want to do in your business and personal life?

Outsourcing parts of your business is a key way for you to free up your workflow and your time. From wedding photo editing help, to album design, to bookkeeping, there are so many tasks you can take off your plate. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to trust others with your business. Not only will the 3 people who give you permission to partner with a specialist be happy, but you will also feel satisfied. To discover what else you might want to do with the free time you could receive from outsourcing tasks on your list, here are a few testimonies from photographers who have seen success in their business.

Focus on Your Business


Maybe you want to focus on the growth of your business and how to increase your overall profit with your additional time. Some of the ways you can do that is to expand and bring on associate photographers, like Sara France.

With the free time she has from outsourcing, she built France Photographers, which is an extension of her photography business. When your business runs efficiently, you can focus on other things to help you reach your goals and take on new projects.

“There is a lot of business structure that comes into my time. I spend a lot of time doing numbers and putting together ideas. We just launched a new location, so we’re now in Austin, Texas. [Outsourcing allows me to] continue to build and grow the business.” – Sara France

Related: Why should you outsource image editing to a specialist? We’ve got 10 reasons to share!

Create Additional Revenue Streams

Something else you might do with your free time is work on additional revenue streams outside of your photography business, similar to wedding photographer Melissa Jill. With the time she got back from outsourcing, she created a business for photographers, known as Align Albums.

“I have an album design company that serves photographers, and I’m able to have the bandwidth to run that and manage another team. If I was editing, I would be stuck behind the computer and I wouldn’t have time to grow other income streams. That’s what I’ve chosen to do with my free time – grow other income streams.” – Melissa Jill

U.K. wedding photographer, Donal Doherty, also used his free time to start a business outside of his wedding photography business.

“We have an online learning educational company called Engage Live. Outsourcing freed me up to start that whole business because we were running the photography business efficiently.” – Donal Doherty

Related: Are you familiar with these 10 must-know business workflow hacks?

Live Your Life

When you have more free time, it means you can spend your time doing the things you love in your business and outside of it. Take a look at what wedding photographers Mike Adrian, Chloe Jackman, and Ning Wong have to say about the effects of outsourcing on their work and personal lives.[ninja-inline id=14322]

“The biggest part for me is work/life balance. I love being able to go home and have dinner with my family instead of sitting in front of the computer editing.” – Mike Adrian

“[I get to] live my life. I spent a long time being glued to my computer and getting really sick to my stomach about it. Outsourcing frees up time for life and makes me enjoy my job more. I’ve become much more enthusiastic about outsourcing things.” – Chloe Jackman

“It’s getting your life back. People might think it’s cheesy sounding. I was really overwhelmed with editing. At the end of the day, I shoot weddings, I capture memories – but I have to make some of my own as a dad, and a husband. How can I make memories while editing images?” – Ning Wong

Did you find what you had in common with some of these photographers? What do you want to do for your wedding photography business or for your life that will make you happy? Take a look at what you have on your plate today, and decide what you don’t really need to be a part of every day. What other things can you do in your business to speed up your process and give you more free time? Our Guide, 27 Ridiculously Simple Hacks to Transform Your Wedding Photography Business, has efficient tips and tricks to eliminate time from your workflow! Download it today.


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