
Fast 5: Save Your Sanity with Outsourcing

Don’t let photo editing drag you away from the things you love the most.  Look into outsourcing your photo editing today and see what you’ve been missing!

Have you ever thought of outsourcing? If not, why not?

When you started your journey as a wedding photographer, what excited you most?  Was it the long, late nights spent behind a computer screen, carefully editing your images for ten to twenty hours per session?  Was it the tedious task of culling through thousands of images per wedding?

Probably not…

So what’s the quickest way to free up that time? How can you get back to doing what you love the most — whether it be shooting more weddings or tackling your marketing and client outreach?

The answer is outsourcing.

Read on for ShootDotEdit’s Fast Five on Outsourcing — 5 useful quick tips you can apply to your photography business right now!

5 Quick Reasons to Outsource Your Photo Editing

If you’re still on the fence as to whether you should outsource your photo editing process, here are five quick reasons why you should.

1. Why Outsourcing? There Aren’t Enough Hours in a Day

This is true for all business owners.  And as a wedding photographer, your daily task list might seem never-ending.  If you’re looking to really grow your wedding photography business, outsourcing can be a lifesaver.  Just think of how much more you could accomplish with all that extra time!

2. You’re Adding Experts to Your Team by Outsourcing

We get it.  The idea of outsourcing makes you cringe. And hiring outside help to edit your photos can be daunting — especially when you’ve spent years developing a style all your own. 

But remember, you’re adding in experts to your photography team.  Whoever you decide to outsource with, make sure they have a comprehensive style matching process.

3. You’re Getting Overwhelmed

With each wedding you shoot comes different complications — different lighting scenarios, different skin tones, etc.  When it comes to actually sitting down and editing your photos, there can be so many moving parts! Instead of letting them bog you down, move them out of the way so you can focus on what really counts!

4. Your Clients are Waiting

One of the most exciting moments for a bride post-wedding is receiving her finished wedding photos.  And if they have to wait too long, that excitement can turn into bitterness. As we all know, a bitter bride gives no referrals.  

Luckily, outsourcing to any photo editing service worth their salt will have a guaranteed fast turnaround time.  So if you’ve just shot multiple weddings who all want their images as quick as possible, outsourcing can help you stay in the good graces of those often-demanding brides.

5. Don’t Keep Your Life Waiting

We know you have one.  Family, friends, brunch on the weekends.  But when you’re stuck inside, editing photos for hours on end, it can feel like your life is wasting away behind the computer screen.  Don’t let photo editing drag you away from the things you love the most. Look into outsourcing your photo editing today and see what you’ve been missing!

For a more in-depth explanation of why you should be outsourcing your photo editing, CLICK HERE! Also check out this post THE BEST DECISION YOU COULD EVER MAKE FOR YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS and this one, too! FAST 5: OUTSOURCE TO GROW YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS

At ShootDotEdit, our goal is to take the “heavy lifting” of photo editing off your plate — giving you more time to run your business, spend time with your family, or even just have a weekend again!

Click here to learn more about what ShootDotEdit and Fotoskribe can do for you!

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