Archives for 2015

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7 Ways to Add Drama to Your Wedding Images


As a pro wedding photographer, one of the areas of your business that is important to dedicate time to is your shooting. Couples meet and book you because of your unique style, and you constantly want to improve this! Before each shoot, you may scout the location to see what you have to work with and then head back to the office to make a shooting plan. On your list are the must-have shots for getting ready, the ceremony, and the reception. For you to create unique and dynamic images during these moments, it is necessary to capture images with a bit of drama in them. We’ve put together 7 ways for you to add drama into your wedding images that your clients will love!

1. Find the best light

As a wedding photographer, you have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to lighting. From shooting in natural light to harsh light, you can use many techniques to capture beautiful images. To create drama in your images with this kind of light, be sure to position your clients in front of the source. When the light is directly behind them, that’s the first place the eye is drawn. [···]

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Top 5 Tips for Pinterest


As a wedding photographer, it is vital to be present on social media. We have shared how to use Facebook and Instagram to grow your business, and now we want to share how you can utilize Pinterest to market your business. Pinterest is a social media platform with 70 million (and climbing!) users that can drive potential clients to your website. Not only can you share your content with a larger audience, but you can also reach potential clients that may never have found you before!

In our Pinterest for the Wedding Pro Webinar, Colorado wedding photographer Jason Grubb discussed how to use pins to attract traffic back to your website. We’ve gathered the top 5 tips to creating a branded and strategically organized Pinterest page for your wedding photography business.

1. Share Your Images

You have heard the saying, “A picture is worth 1,000 words.” As a photographer, you have an entire collection of unique images to share with clients. Pictures speak volumes for your photography business, which helps you define yourself as a photographer. Sharing your images with potential clients on Pinterest allows them to see your skills and the quality they will get after booking your services. When you pin your images, be sure to create a new board to separate each collection. Clients will appreciate the organization and simplicity to finding images that they are attracted to. Also, creating boards for each event you shoot will tell a complete story to your followers. Since you are representing your brand, be sure to share your best images that represent you and your business.


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How to Shoot in Harsh Light

how to shoot in harsh light

How many of you can relate to the following scenario: It is a beautiful overcast day (yes, to photographers overcast weather is perfect to shoot in!), and you are about to photograph some stunning portraits of the couple together. All of a sudden, the sun breaks through, casting a harsh light onto your couple. At first, this may seem like a problem, but don’t let the harsh rays of the sun hinder you from taking gorgeous photos. In the past, we shared how to shoot with off-camera lighting, as well as how to shoot in natural lighting. Now, we are excited to share some ways that will help you shoot in harsh lighting conditions.

Download our Lighting Guide for Wedding Photographers to discover 26 key tips from Roberto Valenzuela!

It is impossible for you to control the weather, and it is especially difficult for you to always shoot in soft and perfect lighting. Although we can help you with your wedding photography post-processing needs if the lighting is not ideal in your images, we want to give you the tools to shoot in any light. Here are a few simple tips to help you work with harsh lighting that will still make your clients look their best!


Image Compliments of Ning Wong


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Top 5 Tips: Best Bride Poses for the Wedding Day

bride poses

After months of planning and hours on the morning of the wedding day getting ready, every bride desires to look stunning on her special day. As her photographer, it is necessary for you to create images that showcase the bride at her best. An effective way to do this is to use bride poses that flatter her body and allow her to feel feminine and beautiful.


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How ShootDotEdit Grows Photographers’ Businesses

As a wedding photography business owner, there are constantly areas of your business that you can improve. Between improving your marketing strategy, personalizing your pricing, and updating your blogging workflow, the possibilities are endless for what you can do to grow your business! The one roadblock you might be familiar running into is finding the time to implement your ideas. We have good news for you! At ShootDotEdit, we believe that your time should be spent working on areas of your business that only YOU can do, meaning that we want to help you out! By utilizing our photo editing services, you can free up time to focus on areas of your busy that need your attention.

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Top 5 Tips for Lightroom CC


As a wedding photographer, it is essential to have an efficient post-wedding workflow. Not only will this help you save time, but you will be able to deliver images to your clients faster, making them happy and more likely to refer you! With the release of Lightroom CC (or Lightroom 6), this increases the number of ways that you can improve your workflow.

Here at ShootDotEdit, we’re excited to announce that we put together a new Lightroom CC Workflow for photographers! The changes, though minimal, are going to save you more time throughout the busy wedding season, allowing you to spend more time shooting and meeting ideal clients! With our new workflow, not only can you build your ShootDotEdit CAT the same way as you prep and build for your ShootDotEdit job, you can follow the same steps for reallocating your Lightroom 5 Workflow.

Want to read more about the LRCC features and benefits?  CLICK HERE

1. Take Advantage of the Speed

With Lightroom CC, you are setting yourself up with faster technology that allows you to speed up your overall workflow. This is especially helpful for you during the busy wedding season when sending your images to ShootDotEdit for your color correction needs. The time it takes to import and export images, along with the rendering of images, is faster than previous versions of Lightroom. By utilizing the facial recognition to create tags, along with the ability to work on your mobile device, you can speed up the time you spend working on and organizing your images. [···]

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Posing for the Wedding Photographer – The Guide


With all of the different ways to grow your wedding photography business, we love sharing helpful content with you. To continue this, we’re excited to announce our newest guide!

Posing subjects is no simple task, especially when you’re working under the pressures of a rushed wedding timeline, imperfect lighting conditions, and subjects that aren’t models. Our Posing for the Wedding Photographer Guide was created with go-to wedding photographer poses from Roberto Valenzuela and other posing pros in the photography industry, and if you take the necessary steps to learn the fundamentals of posing and continuously practice, your images can drastically improve.

Get the Posing Guide!


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CreativeLive Course: The Ultimate Lightroom CC Workflow featuring Jared Platt

CreativeLive is our favorite resource for awesome online education for professional photographers! We’re excited to share with you that our Advocate Jared Platt will be teaching The Ultimate Lightroom CC Workflow!

In The Ultimate Lightroom CC Workflow, you’ll learn Jared Platt’s go-to tips and tricks for retouching and managing files quickly and efficiently. Jared will share insights on improving every phase of your workflow, from shooting to archiving. You’ll learn how to take advantage of the latest Lightroom tools and features, as well as become faster and more skilled at post wedding photography. Take a look at this short video to see one of Jared’s quick Lightroom tips:


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The 10 Must-Have Shots From the Reception

must-have shots from the reception

You just finished shooting a wonderful tear-jerking wedding ceremony, and you nailed all of the must-have shots. As the bride and groom happily run off as husband and wife, you think to yourself, “only 5 more hours left of coverage!” While that can seem exhausting at first, there’s good news! The hard part is over, and it’s almost time for you to capture some fun moments from the party – the reception!

Wedding reception traditions have been around for centuries. As a wedding photographer, it is your job to document these so that your couples can show their children and continue the traditions for years to come. Here are the 10 must-have shots that you must take from the wedding reception – and some fun facts to help you understand the importance of certain traditions!

1. The Grand Entrance

During the cocktail hour, the guests anticipate the arrival of the newlyweds to the reception. Once the couple walks through the doors, music blaring, the host will announce them and the room will go wild. It is the first time that they will be introduced to their friends and family as husband and wife. Make sure you snap a ton of pictures of the excitement on the bride and groom’s face during this moment. [···]

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